Reviving the natural products legend path from natural screening to synthetic microbiology

来源 :第七届全国微生物资源学术暨国际微生物系统与分类学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dabing_12130
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  Synthetic biology combines biology and engineering technology to create new metabolic pathways,cells or organisms for useful purposes by designing and constructing new biological devices and systems.In this respect,synthetic microbiology seems leading the field,as many engineered microorganisms including Escherichia coli,Yeasts,or other microbes has now started to emerge for the successful production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals.In this talk,I will introduce some experimental examples of making new fine chemicals and natural products or their structural analogues in our laboratories by using the engineered microorganisms.An engineered E.coli strain has been constructed by combining Synechococcus elnogatus fatty acyl-ACP reductase and E.coli endogenous AdhP and can efficiently produce fatty alcohols-components of surfactants and cosmetic products-directly from glycerol.Furthermore,the high production of fatty acid short-chain esters,has been achieved also by using engineering an E.coli strain through combination of fatty acid and 2-keto acid pathways,which is now regarded as renewable and biodegradable biofuel molecules,some of which with the property of low freezing temperature.The mutant also produced esters with fruit perfume smell.When the same strategy was applied to S.cerevisia in a similar way for the reconstitution of the mevalonate pathway,terpenoid derived biofuel famesene was also successfully overproduced with a titer up to 1.1 g/L in shake flask.We also tried to engineer the iterative polyketide pathway from the secondary microbial metabolism for targeted pentadecane overproduction in E.coli,successfully and interestingly,a single form of alkane rather than a mixture of the reported fatty acids-derived pathway,was generated.Actinomycetes produce many natural products with bioactive diversities,the structural diversities of which,however,are not sufficient for the discovery of new pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.By engineering Actinomycetes,producing strains of many clinically used antibiotics,natural products with greater chemo-diversity have been produced in our laboratories.Polyoxins and nikkomycins are potent antifungal peptidyl nucleoside antibiotics by inhibiting fungal cell wall biosynthesis.An engineered strain of Streptomyces aureochromogenes polyoxin producer constructed by combination of some biosynthetic genes of polyoxin and nikkomycin can produce polyoxin-nikkomycin hybrid compounds,some of which showed higher antifungal activity.These successful events suggested that synthetic microbiology would undoubtly show greater potential for structural modification and production of fine chemicals and natural products.
摘要:语文是一门基础性学科,其重要性不可忽视。语文教学需从小学生抓起,语文学科是需要不断积累的过程,只有培养学生掌握正确的语文学习方法及思想,才能够为学生后续的顺利学习及发展奠定扎实基础。因此,对小学语文教学重要性及方法的探讨尤为关键。本文以此为切入点,期望能为一线语文教育者的教学带来裨益。   关键词:小学语文;课堂教学;重要性;方法  中图分类号:G633.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:19
  由茄科雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)侵染茄子引起的青枯病是严重影响华南茄子产量的重要细菌性病害。华南地处亚热带,茄子生长和收获期正遇高温多雨季节,青枯病高发。
摘要:二次函数作为初中数学与高中数学的衔接点,它的重要性不言而喻,能否学好二次函数,将会直接影响整个初中数学成绩的好坏。与此同时,它也为学生的高中数学学习打下夯实的基础。所以,我们必须重视二次函数的教学问题,尽可能改正不足之处,提高教学质量,达到更好的教学效果。   关键词:初中;数学;二次函数  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2018)11-0005