Expression of p16, p53, imp3, bcl-2 and c-flipl and their linical significance in pre-malignant and

来源 :2015中国妇产科学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanmm123
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  Objective To assess the diagnostic value of P16, P53, IMP3, Bcl-2 and C-FLIPL in cervical carcinogenesis by their immunohistochemical expression and their correlation with clinicopathological parameters and to assess their possible involvement in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer.Methods Tissue samples with similar inclusion criteria were collected from pathology department archives at Tianjin Central Hospital of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, P.R.China.It included cases of cervical cancer, CIN Ⅱ-Ⅲ and CIN Ⅰ.Samples obtained from benign leiomyomata cases were used as controls.Immunohistochemical study was done to study the expression on these tissues.Expressions of these markers were evaluated using microscope and were analysed together with other clinical information collected from patients' case history.Results The observed differences between the frequency of p16, p53, IMP3 and C-FLIPL overexpression among the study groups was found to be statistically significant (P <0.05).No statistically significant difference was seen in expression of Bcl-2 in CIN 1 and control cases(P>0.05) whereas a significantly high expression was observed in CIN 2-3 cases as compared to CIN 1 cases(P<0.05).In cancer cases its expression was significantly down-regulated compared to CIN 2-3(P<0.05).The sensitivity and specificity of the co-expression of IMP3 and p16 to detect the cervical precancerous and cancerous lesion was 87% and 87.5% respectively.Likewise, the PPV was 93.7%, NPV was 75.7%, positive likelihood ratio was 6.69 and negative likelihood ratio was 0.15.The AUC in ROC curve was 0.969.Conclusions IMP3 and C-FLIPL can be presumed to be a marker of enhanced tumor aggressiveness respectively.As a marker to detect the precancerous and cancerous lesions, both sensitivity and specificity increases with co-expression of IMP3 and p1 6.The diagnostic accuracy to detect cervical precancerous and cancerous lesion is excellent with co-expression of IMP3 and p16.The extrinsic pathway of apoptosis seems to be more exploited than intrinsic pathway in the progression of the cervical cancer.
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