Patient Care,Over There:What we can learn from Radiology practices around the globe

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltqhan
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  Healthcare reform has already impacted us in many ways.The focus on cost and patient satisfaction has most large systems and many independent providers looking for new ways to achieve results.Many countries have been under even greater pressure for this and other things for many years.As a result,looking beyond ones borders may provide useful insights.Realizing folks everywhere on earth have similar concerns and seek to achieve the best outcomes,we look at how each country addressed the challenge.This talk takes us around the world to look at departments in NHS hospitals in the UK,private hospitals in Chile,imaging centers in Brazil,public and private institutions in Germany,France and even a peek into in Russia.The focus is on the people,the places,the process and the technology used.Many photographs help share the experience.This talk explores radiology practices from many places overseas to find innovative best practices we can apply here at home.A closely timed,synchronized patient flow at an imaging center in Brazil allowed a small facility meet demands in a very crowded city.The clinical team there looked closely at what stages of the imaging process take the most time and how best to optimize.The answer was found not only with technology,but revolves around the dressing rooms.In Germany,the use of portables is strictly limited-there almost no use in the ED or Surgery.How they do that and why is a matter of expectations.The result drives changes in hospital design.Ironically,in France the use low dose fluorography for positioning projection x-rays is done to prevent repeats.We will share insight from a French radiographer about how and why this makes sense.Russia and more! How hospitals and patient care is changing.Interesting feedback and images of the best and some of the biggest challenges the author has seen.Audience members will learn: 1.Approaches used elsewhere that improve patient care,productivity and workflow(without technology investments)2.Approaches to dose management that are effective and widely practiced elsewhere 3.Insight into your profession in other worlds – certainly not where the tour guides would take you 4.A discussion on how to bring this home and what practices might make sense here
目的:分析双膝外侧盘状半月板患儿两侧膝关节MRI图像特点,总结MRI图像特点及双侧差异. 方法:回顾性分析46例双膝外侧盘状半月板患儿MRI图像,测量半月板宽度、前后角及体部厚度等径线,并观察半月板形态、移位及损伤情况,前交叉韧带角度、形态、信号变化及双膝外翻角变化等指标,并与超声、关节镜对比,行统计学分析. 结果:46例患儿均为双膝患病,且以单膝症状为主诉入院,无明显外伤史.其中,疼痛与伸直受限
恶性黑色素瘤是一种高度恶性肿瘤,主要发生于皮肤,其次为直肠、肛门、生殖道、消化道、副鼻窦、腮腺、泪囊、喉、肺等等,肿瘤常发生淋巴结、肺及肝转移,而胃肠道转移在临床上较为少见,而原发于腮腺的恶性黑色素瘤发生胃肠道转移则更为罕见.经维普资讯和PubMed数据库检索发现,至今为止,腮腺原发性恶性黑色素瘤发生胃肠道转移的病例在国内外文献中鲜有报道.我科最近发现1例,现报道如下. 腮腺原发性恶性黑色素瘤在临
目的:分析双源CT双能量肺灌注成像中非肺栓塞引起的灌注缺损的特点及原因。 方法:搜集行DEPI扫描未发现肺栓塞的患者共41例,分析其影像资料,记录肺内灌注缺损的部位、形状、边缘、原因,分析各原因引起的灌注缺损的特征。 结果:41例共发现550个灌注缺损(右肺316个,左肺234个),对比剂线束硬化伪影211个(包括左右锁骨下静脉,上下腔静脉、心房室),运动伪影75个(膈肌、心脏、等),胸部病变20
Objective: To observe the configuration of the circle of Willis(CW)and measure the posterior communicating artery(PcomA)in Chinese people,and to provide anatomic basis for studying the blood supply of
目的 探讨平山病的影像学表现,从而加深对该病的认识和提高对该病的诊断水平。 方法 回顾性分析7例临床已确诊的平山病的影像学资料,并结合国内外最新的相关文献,对比、总结平山病的影像学特点。 结果 7例确诊平山病的病例中,有6例男性,1例女性,平均年龄约22岁;有3例行屈颈位MR平扫+增强检查,4例行屈颈位MR平扫检查;7例均有病变节段后硬脊膜前移、后硬膜下腔增宽;5例有后硬脊膜下腔内见留空信号影;3
目的:研究肿块型乳腺癌钼靶边缘征象与预后因子(ER、PR、Her-2、Ki-67表达及术中淋巴结转移)的相关性。 方法:收集术前行钼靶X线检查表现为肿块、术后经病理证实的的乳腺癌患者89例,所有标本均常规行ER、PR、Her-2、Ki-67的免疫组化检测,回顾性分析肿块型乳腺癌的X线边缘征象,探讨其与上述免疫组化标志物阳性表达、淋巴结转移之间的相关性。 结果:89例X线表现为肿块的病灶中,浸润性导
缺血性心脏病是危害人类健康甚至生命的主要疾病之一,近年来其发病率和死亡率明显增加,不断探索与改进其检查方法,对于该种疾病的预防和治疗都会发挥积极的作用.在无创性影像学检查方法中,心脏磁共振成像(Cardiac magnetic resonance,CMR)具有多种优势,其无电离辐射,且多参数、多序列成像能力是任何其他成像方法都无法比拟的.CMR的多参数成像能力使其具备“一站式”全面评估心脏结构、功
目的 评估多层螺旋CT诊断乳腺癌术后腋窝外淋巴结转移(包括内乳淋巴结,胸肌间淋巴结和锁骨上淋巴结)的临床价值.方法 对2013年1月至2015年7月间因乳腺癌术后常规胸部CT检查患者的临床和影像学资料进行回顾性分析.患者纳入标准为乳腺癌术后,胸部CT检查范围包括锁骨上至双侧肋膈角,图像层厚5mm,随访时间至少一年,病例资料完整可查.共纳入275例患者.CT纵隔窗观察锁骨上,内乳淋巴结和胸肌间淋巴结
目的 确定国人 Willis 环的分型与后交通动脉(PcomA)的发育情况,为脑动脉供血研究提供解剖学基础. 方法 头部或头颈部CTA检查患者中,选出173例脑动脉环及其周围未见明显异常作为研究对象.观察其Willis环分型,测量PcomA内径大小.分型方法1.根据Willis 环完整情况分为 Ⅰ 型(Willis 环完整)、Ⅱ型(Willis 环前循环完整、后循环不完整)、Ⅲ型(Willis 环