ERR alpha Orphan Receptor as a Potential Target for Drug Design Against Cancer and Osteoporosis

来源 :中国上海第七届国际新药发明科技年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leiyang000
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  The ERRalpha receptor is an orphan member of the nuclear receptor family,which is related to the estrogen receptors but not modulated by estrogens nor by any known natural ligand.ERRalpha is highly expressed in osteoblasts (bone-forming cells),suggesting a role in the homeostasis of bone tissue.Our in vivo and ex vivo studies show a function of ERRalpha in regulating bone mineralization as well as osteoblast differentiation,suggesting that modulating the activity of ERRalpha could be of potential benefit against osteoporosis.On the other hand high ERRalpha expression is correlated to a poor prognosis in different types of cancers,including breast cancer.Our results show that ERRalpha regulates both proliferation as well as cell invasion and migration of various cell types.Again modulating ERRalpha may be beneficial against cancer.
  Multiple myeloma (MM)s incidence and mortality rate are two fold greater in blacks than in whites.We hypothesized that the difference associated with race c
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明星档案    1976年11月生于湖北宜昌,两岁时,因高烧失聪。15岁开始舞蹈训练,1992年10月,作为惟一一位残疾人舞蹈家登上意大利斯卡拉大剧院的舞台。1994年,考取湖北美术学院装潢设计系。2000年,在纽约卡内基音乐厅演出。荣获全国残疾人艺术汇演一等奖、“奋发文明进步奖”个人文艺奖;现任中国特殊艺术协会副主席。    2005年2月8日,除夕之夜,央视春节晚会突然让亿万观众热泪满面:舞蹈
  We have developed a series of N-Salicylidene-based L-amino acids as chiral auxiliaries for chiral vanadyl(V) methoxide complex synthesis.In all cases except
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