Method study of SiC in refractory materials for torpedo by potassium fluosilicate titration

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jim_666cn
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  Carborundum of the sample is determined by potassium fluosilicate titration.The Al2O3-SiC-C brick sample was melted with KOH and KNO3 in the nickel-rucible.Through the experiment,chose the best melt condition.The melting temperature was 700℃ and melting time was 15 min.The method can avoid on fire and explosion during the melt of the sample.At the same diminished the damage of the nickel-rucible and it was easy to soak out.A self-made filtration device will replaced of ordinary filtration bottles,filtration part of the glass was replaced by plastic,only needed 1/4 filter paper ( filter paper diameter approximately is 40 mm),easy to wash and neutralization,greatly reduced the detection time.Measuring results conformed with the results of the national standard method.Relative standard deviation of determination result was less than 5%.
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随着校车安全问题的日益突出,提高校车安全性能的呼声越来越高.利用先进高强钢替代传统普碳钢,能够显著提高校车的防撞性能并降低车身重量,减少油耗.为响应社会和国家的需求,宝钢加紧了对提高校车安全性能的主要结构件一高强度方矩管的研制.以宝钢热轧板QStE700TM和冷轧板HC700/980 ms为研究材料,以60 ×60 ×3( mm)规格产品为研究对象,利用ABAQUS有限元软件、PROFIL冷弯轧辊
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