Apelin: a double-edged sword in cardiac hypertrophy

来源 :中国药理学会第十三次全国学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new_fisher
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  Aim As we all know, apelin acts as the endogenous ligand of APJ, being a member of G protein coupled receptors family, apelin/APJ system is involved in plentiful diseases and extremely responsible for the occurrence and the development of cardiovascular diseases, among many kinds of heart diseases, it is the cardiac hypertrophy that catches our attention.The myocardial expression of apelin/APJ decreased in rats with left ventricular hypertrophy suggesting us there is a link between apelin and cardiac hypertrophy.Furthermore, it has been reported that apelin is able to alleviate cardiac hypertrophy induced by Ang Ⅱ, H2O2 and exercise.Nevertheless, our laboratory discovered that apelin is certain to induce cardiac hypertrophy through PI3kAktERK1/2p70S6K pathway or via upregulating the levels of ROS to cause oxidative stress.The abovementioned contradiction indicates us apelin may have dual effects in cardiac hypertrophy.Moreover, we also illuminate that apelin is involved in some diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, myocarditis and myocardial infarction, coincidentally, all these diseases are associated with cardiac hypertrophy.Therefore, this review is aim to unveil the intricate relationship between apelin and cardiac hypertrophy.
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