Therapeutic Effect of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Cells on Diebetic Mice

来源 :Wnt信号、器官发育和干细胞国际学术大会(Wnt Signaling,Organogenesis,and Stem Ce | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nosmallstar2
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  Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect on diabetic mice of mononuclear cell from human umbilical cord blood.Methods: Experimental diabetes model was induced in 8w kunming mice by a single intraperitioneal injection of streptozotocin freshly dissolved in 0.lmoL/L of citrate buffer, PH4.5;serum glucose level were observed to monitoring effect of diabetic model.Freshly isolated human umbilical cord blood cells were labeling by PKH26, then transplanted at 2×106/ml via tail vein of mice.Serum glucose and serum insulin level were determined at different time after transplantation and distribution of transplanted cells in vivo were also examined by flow cytometer and fluorescence microscope.
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