Establishment and gene expression characteristics of the silk gland cell line BmSG-SWU1 of the silkw

来源 :中国遗传学会第九次全国会员代表大会暨学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king2xl
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  A BmSG-SWU1 cell line was established from the silk gland tissues of newly hatched Bombyx mori larvae by performing primary cultures for two years.The cell line was comprised of long and thin shuttle cells.The percentage of cells with the chromosome number 2n = 56 was 76.28%.Therefore,the cell line was considered a diploid cell line.Fingerprint analysis of BmSG-SWU1 and four other cell lines indicated that BmSG-SWU1 had a specific fingerprint,and that the genetic relationship between BmSG-SWU1 and the original silk gland tissue was the closest.We employed whole genome microarray data,RT-PCR and FQ-PCR to analyze the expression profile of BmSG-SWU1.On day three of the fifth instar silk gland,the two known silk gland-specific genes Fib-L and P25 as well as 18 other highly expressed genes were found in the whole genome microarray data.Only some of these were expressed in the cell line BmSG-SWU1,which showed that this cell line had maintained some gene expression characteristics of a silk gland.The key cell cycle-control genes BmCyclinB and BmCyclinB3 of the G2 and M phase were expressed at low levels in silk glands.Contrarily,they were highly expressed in BmSG-SWU1,in the ovaries and other cell lines,which suggested that BmCyclinB and BmCyclinB3 are important for the transformation of BmSG-SWU1 from endoreduplication to the mitotic cycle.
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