Analysis of inclusive (d,xN) Reactions for Energies upto 100 MeV

来源 :二O一一年全国核反应会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:revoke
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  A model calculation is applied for analyses of nucleon production from deuteron breakup reactions for energies up to 100 MeV, in which elastic breakup process and inelastic breakup process (stripping) are described by the continuum discretized coupled-channels method and the Glauber model, respectively.The effects of Coulomb interaction are taken into account to give a proper description of nucleon production at forward angles.In addition to these two direct processes, the evaporation and pre-equilibrium processes are described by the moving source model which contributes mainly to the low energy nucleon emissions.The deuteron breakup reactions are investigated systematically through the present analyses.
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夏季三个月,气候炎热,是人体新陈代谢最旺盛的时期,人体阳气外发,汗液蒸腾。在这样的季节,重视饮食养生,顺应自然、提高身体素质、防病保健会大有裨益。夏日饮食养生有以下四原则。  一是要“清淡”。夏日气候炎热,湿热熏蒸,人们不但心烦气躁,由于湿热容易伤脾,人的食欲往往也会下降。所以,对夏日饮食的第一个要求就是要力求做到清淡爽口,以增进食欲。    1.多吃果蔬。夏季是蔬菜、水果最丰盛的季节,应适当多吃