Resveratrol Protects against Cardiac Insulin Resistance and Contractile Dysfunctions in Metabolic Sy

来源 :2011第三届心脏病学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq277824282
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  The pathophysiology of tissue-and disease-specific insulin resistance remains poorly characterized, but is of increasing clinical importance given the global burden of insulin resistant syndromes that contribute significantly to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in these patients.Currently, our result indicates that activation of estrogen receptor is crucial for resveratroi-stimulating muscular glucose uptake via both insulin-dependent and independent pathways.However, it remains unknown whether RSV can protect against insulin resistance-related cardiomyopathy in high cholesterol fructose (HCF)-induced insulin resistance syndrome has yet to be fully established.
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