A two-phase boundary element model for chloride diffusion in concrete

来源 :The 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement ( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaji2009
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  A two-phase model of boundary element method (BEM) in a multiply connected domain was proposed to study the chloride diffusion in concrete.The concrete was treated as a two-phase material composed of mortar and coarse aggregate, and the chloride diffusion was assumed to take place only in the mortar.By modeling concretes with different coarse aggregate content, particle shape, size and arrangement, the effect of coarse aggregate on the chloride diffusion was examined.Contrasted with the finite element model, the two-phase BEM model was proved to be reasonable and of more advantage, indicating that the proposed model can be used to analyze the chloride diffusion in concrete.The results showed that coarse aggregate obstructs the diffusion of chloride in concrete, and the content of coarse aggregate has a significant impact on decreasing the capability of diffusion and changing the concentration distribution of chloride in field.Nevertheless, the particle shape, size and arrangement of coarse aggregate have marked effect on the concentration distribution, but negligible influence on the profile of average concentration of chloride in mortar.
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