Recent clinical trials of new anticancer drugs developed in China

来源 :22nd Asia Pacific Cancer Conference(第22届亚太抗癌大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aspnet2002web
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  The National GCP Center for Anticancer Drugs is an important center for clinical trials, including global trials, and for new domestic drugs developed in China.This presentation reports on the results of four new anticancer drugs recently developed in China.There combinant human endostatin endostar was first presented during the ASCO meeting in 2005and published in Chinese Journal of Lung cancer and approved by CFDA in 2006.In a randomized double blind Phase Ⅲ trial, 493histology-or cytology-confirmed stage ⅢB and Ⅳ non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) patients were subjected to either Arm A: NP plus endostar (n=326; 25mg/m2 vinorelbine on days 1and 5, 30 mg/m2 cisplatin on days 2 to 4, and 7.5 mg/m2 endostar on days 1 to 14) orArm B: NP plus placebo (n=167; 25 mg/m2vinorelbine on days 1 and 5, 30 mg/m2 cisplatin on days 2 to 4,and 3.75 mL 0.9% sodiumchloride on days 1 to 14) every 3 wk for two to six cycles, according to the response after the second cycle.
  Colorectal cancer (CRC) is currently the fourth most common cause of cancer death worldwide.Approximately 50% of patients develop distant metastases in the
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