MicroRNA and Human Complex Disease

来源 :第五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyifeizhu
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  There is a growing interest in miRNA-miRNA synergistic regulations and the relationships between miRNAs and Subpathway regulated by the miRNA to understand the mechanisms of complex diseases.Complex diseases are affected by several miRNAs rather than a single miRNA.So, it is a challenge to identify miRNA synergism for further elucidating miRNA functions at a system-wide level and explore disease miRNAs features in the miRNA-miRNA synergistic network and miRNAs and subpathways network from a new view.In this talk we present a framework for constructing the miRNA-miRNA functional synergistic network (MFSN) and miRNAs and subpathways network (MSN).we investigated the properties of MFSN and MSN in the complex diseases conditions.We further revealed the topological features of disease miRNAs in the MFSN are distinct from non-disease miRNAs.They have more synergism indicating their higher complexity of functions and are the global central cores of the MFSN.In addition, miRNAs for the same disease are close with each other.It also showed that the MSN based analysis not only provided a global view on the relationship among disease, miRNA and subpathway, but also uncovered the function aspects of miRNA regulations and potential pathogenesis of complex diseases .
李宜丰同志自1989年以来在《中国食用菌》(以下简称本刊)食用菌图谱内刊登了一些大型真菌的彩色照片,经仔细观察,其中有的图文不符,有的错定了学名,故特加以评论。 1.本刊19
2007年11月, 凯旋公关有限公司全球健康业务副总裁Cathy Kapica博士(营养学家,在健康与营养领域拥有20多年从业经验)在上海解读并探讨了2008年全球健康与营养发展趋势。  目前我们正进入一个全新的健康时代,健康的定义不仅仅局限于生理及心理健康,还包括拥有和谐的社会生活,与家人、朋友的相处,以及对于环境的关注。健康的趋势将由食品所主导,同时也将受到服装、日用品、健身、美容以及无过敏性