A Sandwich Three-D Approach to the Blepharoplasty of Lower Eyelid Bags with Pre-control Bleeding Tec

来源 :第二十二届中日整形外科学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feboy
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  Background: Lower eyelid blepharoplasty has been addressed with such popular choices as skin flap transcutaneous blepharoplasty, skin-muscle flap transcutaneous blepharoplasty, transconjunctival blepharoplasty, fat-conserving or fat-replacing methods, wedge excision, and laser resurfacing techniques.However, each procedure has its own indication and obvious limit.Inadequate or too much correction, unsatisfactory reserved deformities are not rare if the surgeon prefer one procedure for all patients.Bleeding is another problem.Bleeding during operation, postoperative haematoma and ecchymoma is not seldom seen.Hemostasis with bipolar electrocautery takes the surgeon a rather long time.Edema is quite often.Methods: With transcutaneous approach, skin flap,orbicularis oculi flap and orbital septa flap were formed,fastened and shaped in three-dimensional way.A comprehensive way including operation techniques, drugs,electro scalpel and nursing techniques were addressed to avoid (not control but pre-control) bleeding.Results: From August 2005 to January 2011, two hundred and three patients underwent this technique.All patients have been satisfied with their appearance after their initial surgery except three patients with minimal associated morbidity.No haematoma nor ecchymoma occurred.Average operation time was 40 minutes.Edema disappeared quickly.Conclusions: Sandwich three-D blepharoplasty is effective way to remove lower eyelid bags.This technique applies to those candidates for both skin and skin-muscle flap transcutaneous blepharoplasty.Complications connected with bleeding are reduced effectively with pre-control bleeding techniques.
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目的 探讨铒像素激光在浅表性瘢痕治疗中的临床疗效.方法 对56例浅表性瘢痕患者采用铒像素激光进行治疗,最小3岁,最大58岁,面部26例,颈部15例,躯干10例,四肢5例.每疗程5次,每次治疗间隔1个月,每次治疗时先划区域,选择治疗参数,脉宽:长;能量密度:1000~1200mJ/P.治疗区域内定量连续发射5~10个脉冲激光照射.结果 治疗即刻出现小白点.1~2分钟出现灼热感.10~20分钟红肿,2
足拇趾损伤后末节及内侧(胫侧)的缺损修复起来非常困难,常常需要缩短足拇趾的长度以剔骨皮瓣的方式消灭创面,势必会影响前足的美观和功能.2010年11月至2013年4月,我们应用足背内侧皮神经内侧支营养血管皮瓣修复足拇趾远端及内侧软组织缺损4例,疗效满意.1一般资料.本组4例均为男性;年龄17~42岁,电击伤3例,重物砸伤1例.创面面积最小为2.0_cm× 1.5_cm,最大为6.0_cm×2.5_c