Chasing ghostsallopolyploid origin of Oxyria sinensis(Polygonaceae)

来源 :中国植物学会第十六次全国会员代表大会暨八十五周年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roattrjca
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  Reconstructing the origin of a polyploid species is particularly challenging when an ancestor has become extinct.Under such circumstances,the extinct donor of a genome found in the polyploid may be treated as a ghost species in that its prior existence is recognized through the presence of its genome in the polyploid.In this study,we aimed to determine the polyploid origin of Oxyria sinensis(2n = 40)for which onlyone congeneric species is known,that is diploid O.digyna(2n = 14).
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