Occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) and body mass index (bmi) in children: any correlation?

来源 :The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associa | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rrsmy
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Head measurements such as occipito-frontal circumference and body mass index are very useful tools used by pediatricians and other caregivers of infants and young children as it helps them to recognize common certain abnormalities at an early stage.The aim of this study was to investigate if any correlation exists between occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) and body mass index (BMI) of children resident in Sokoto, Nigeria.A total of 153 children (89 males and 64 females) aged 2-8 years were recruited for this study.
目的:极速双脉冲Q-PTP激光治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效和安全性评价.方法:采用调Q开关激光:Lutronic Spectra,波长1064nm,Q-PTP模式,光斑尺寸7mm,脉宽5-7ns,能量1.5-2.0J/cm2.极速双脉冲,Quick-Pulse-to-Pulse(Q-PTP)是指同一个高能量Q开关脉冲由一组间隔为80us的双脉冲组成,利用温和的能量破坏色素细胞,可明显减轻治疗是的疼痛感.
目的:观察Lumixyl美白系统(清莹洁面凝胶、臻白雪肌霜、臻白焕肤精华、优白防晒乳)协同治疗面部黄褐斑的安全性和疗效.方法:14名女性黄褐斑受试者,受试者每日洁面后用两次臻白雪肌霜(0.01% 10肽-12),隔日用臻白焕肤精华以及每天使用优白广防晒乳.在整个研究期间,受试者被要求除使用本系统产品外,不能在面部使用其它任何外用护肤产品.用标准化数码摄影和VISIA数字皮肤分析仪在治疗前和治疗三个
目的 观察560nm与640nm强脉冲光联合治疗面部寻常性痤疮的疗效和安全性。方法 采用美国科医人公司IPL Quantum HR 560nm与640nm强脉冲光联合治疗面部寻常性痤疮36例,中度(Ⅱ度)26例,重度(Ⅲ度)10例,整个疗程共治疗3次,每次治疗间隔2周,观察记录临床反应。治疗前后拍摄面部及皮损图片,记录临床疗效及不良反应。结果 患者经1个疗程治疗后总有效率76%。治疗期间,未发现色
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