The Nonlinear Coupled Constitutive Model for Microscale Rarefied Gas Flow Simulations

来源 :2016年大连国际微纳流体和微流控芯片大会(2016 International Conference of Micro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clys1986
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  For the microscale flow simulation, the continuum and thermodynamic equilibrium assumptions of the N-S equations break down by degrees arising from the rarefication effects[1], which makes Newtonian law of viscosity and the Fourier law of heat conduction invalid.Consequently, N-S equation with slip conditions and the method derived from Boltzmann equation are used for calculate microscale rarefied gas flow.The nonlinear coupled constitutive model from the paper proposes a new way for fluid simulating[2]~[4],which is based on Eus generalized hydrodynamic equations also derived from Boltzmann equation[5].This model changed the classical constitutive relations just like Burnett equation,but the model strictly abides by second law of thermodynamics which overcomes.the drawback in Burnett equation.It provides a new approach for exploring microscale gas flow simultaneously.It has presented good performance on simulating in continuum regime and some rarefied regime in some research.Theoretically, the nonlinear coupled constitutive model can implement to whole regime, although it needs more researcher to validate.As a new approach for calculating microfluid, it is showing a great potentiality.
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