
来源 :2007SICOT国际矫形外科学术会议(SICOT-SIROT SHANGHAI CONGRESS 2007) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birchwoods2010
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  Aims:The strong fixation and dynamic fixation were studied contrastly to investigate the clinical effect of the dynamic fixation to prevent lumber adjacent segment degeneration(ASD).Material and methods:We selected degenerative lumber illness,such as lumber degenerative destablization,lumber degenerative spondylolisthesis and lumber stenosis for prospectively study from April,2001 to February,2006.The selected criteria was that lumber degenerative diseases which had been ineffectively treated with nonoperative methods more than 6 months.The exclusion criteria were that patients had lumber operation history,reactive infection and congenital deformities.There were 75 patients(Male 41,Female 34) to be selected.All the cases were divided into strong fixation group(A) with 45 cases and dynamic fixation(B) with 30 cases.The average age of Group A was 56±6ys,and the latter was 57±9ys.All the cases were taken radiograph in standing position,computerized tomography(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).The observation index included incidence rate of ASD,breakage of fixation device,fusion rate,lumbopelvic parameters and VAS scores.
  Objective:To evaluate the value in the treatment of cervical disc hernation by percutaneous resection together with collagenase nucleolvsis.Method:From June
观赏枣具有观赏价值和经济价值。现简介几个品种 :( 1)龙须枣。枝、干弯曲下垂 ,枝形奇特。果实偏小 ,圆柱形稍弯曲 ,单果重 10g左右 ,9月下旬成熟。 ( 2 )茶壶枣。单果重 6g左
2005年10月12日,随着“神舟”6号的发射升空, 酒泉卫星发射基地这个中国最大也是最早建立的卫星发 射基地再次成为世人瞩目的焦点。而它的第一任司令 员,当年强渡大渡河十八
近几年来 ,结球甘蓝(俗称洋白菜) ,需求量越来越大。目前国内种植的品种普遍是杂交一代种子。由于目前在生产上大面积推广应用的京丰一号、秋丰、晚丰、夏光等甘蓝一代杂种的亲
  Design:A prospective cohort study with a minimum of lyear of follow-up Objective:To evaluate the value of a modified direct lateral approach in primary tota
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