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张炎(字叔夏,号玉田,一二四八—一三二○?)是宋元时期的词学大家、著名词人,其词集《山中白云词》问世已近七百年,在词史上占有重要的地位。七百年来研究张炎词的词话、论着、论文蔚为大观,但是这些研究的流变历程、发展脉络、内在特征以及不足没有得到完善的梳理,因此回眸这七百年来的研究,对其进行认真的清理和总结,于以后的张炎研究乃至宋词研究将会大有裨益。总体而言,张炎词研究在张炎生前就已经开始,但深入研究始于清朝,而真正有学术价值的成果则出现在二十世纪八十年代以后。 Zhang Yan (the word Shu Xia, Yu Tian, ​​1248 - 1320?) Is the Song and Yuan Dynasties of Ci who, a famous poet, his Ci “Shan Baiyun Ci” came out nearly seven hundred years, at The history of the word occupies an important position. For seven centuries, the study of Zhang Yan Ci’s words, treatises and dissertations are grand festivals. However, the rheological process, development context, intrinsic characteristics and inadequacies of these studies are not consummated. Therefore, reviewing these seven centuries of research, Seriously clean up and summarize, in the future Zhang Yan research and Song research will be of great benefit. In general, the study of Zhang Yan Ci began before Zhang Yan’s life, but in-depth studies began in the Qing Dynasty, while the fruits of true academic value appeared after the 1980s.