Metabolites tested by 14.7T high-resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy can potently asse

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingmx
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  Objective To investigate the relationship between DNA damage which was considered enhancing apoptosis and metabolites after radiotheraphy in U87 cells, and explore the possible molecular mechanism. Methods Glioma cell line U87 were randomly separated into 0Gy, 1Gy, 5Gy, 10Gy and 15Gy groups, the cells were cultured 24h after exposed to X-ray, respectively. The DNA damage parameters (tail length, %DNA in tail and tail moment) were obtained in comet assay by fluorescence microscopy. Cell apoptosis rates and cell cycle distributions were analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell colony-forming rates were observed and counted under inverted phase-contrast microscopy. 1H NMR spectroscopy performed with a Bruker Avance 600 MHz spectrometer was used to determine the changes of metabolites. Results Along with the X-ray irradiation increasing, the DNA damage parameters (tail length, %DNA in tail and tail moment) demonstrated positive dose-dependent manner (P<0.05), the G1 stage of the cell cycle increased obviously(P<0.01), the colonyforming rates declined(P<0.01) and the apoptotic cells increased(P<0.01), the ratio of Lac/Cr decreased, significant changes had occurred in all doses of the cell lines(P<0.01), which linearly dependent on DNA damage (tail length, R2 = 0.910; %DNA in tail, R2 = 0.968; tail moment, R2 = 0.850). Conclusion DNA damage was aggravated with the increased exposure to X-ray irradiation, meanwhile 1H NMR spectroscopy can detect alterations of metabolites of the cells before cell apoptosis. 1H NMR spectroscopy has the potential to provide a noninvasive biomarker to predict apoptosis rates of glioma cells.
目的:对pilon骨折术后软组织并发症发生的原因进行正确分析,制定合理的预防和治疗措施.方法:回顾性分析2011年6月~2015年6月我科采用一期或分期手术治疗的 pilon骨折187例,男148例,女39例,平均37.6岁(18-63岁),致伤原因:高处坠落伤159例,摔伤28例;其中开放性骨折18例.
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目的:通过比较图像质量和辐射剂量,探讨在全脑血管造影过程中如何合理的选择附加滤过. 方法:1.使用PHILIPS Allura Xper FD20血管造影机,选择不同附加滤过(0.1 mmCu+1mmAl;0.4 mmCu+1mmAl;0.9 mmCu+1mmAl),分别对矩形波测试卡摄影,采集单幅图像,由两名放射科主任医师、一名副主任技师及一名高级工程师共同分析获得的图像.2.按照统一的纳入标准
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目的:消除MRI中的图像处理相关伪影,改善MRI图像质量. 方法:总结我院最近一年的5632例MRI检查图像,扫描部位包括头颈部、脊髓、腹部、四肢,图像为TI、T2及PD加权像,扫描序列为SE、TSE、TSE-Restore、EPI、STIR、FLAIR、True FISP 等.体位为横轴位、冠状位、矢状位和斜位等.把其中有图像处理相关伪影的病例归纳分类,使用超导型磁共振成像仪(Magnetom
平片密度分辨率较低,发现肺部结节性病变的钙化较CT少见,尤其在肺癌中,CT由于具有较高的密度分辨率,是DR平片的数倍, 故比传统的DR平片检查能更多的发现肺内孤立性结节中的钙化,本文旨在研究、分析孤立性肺结节内的钙化灶多少、大小、形态、钙化程度(钙化灶密度的高低)及钙化灶在结节内的分布特征,综合分析、判断,为结节的良、恶性的鉴别诊断提供更有价值的信息。