DNA methylation regulated miRs in cancer chemo-resistance: the miR-193a in bladder cancer paradigm

来源 :第一届广州核酸国际论坛:新一代测序、生物信息学与非编码RNA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsoft
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  Cancer is a disease of dysproliferating cells, suffering from extensive genomic and epigenomic defects and exhibiting excessive in vivo heterogeneity.Among the epigenetic entities, DNA methylation is the best characterized epigenetic mechanisms, aberrantion of which underlies the cancerous state-specific gene expression and therefore the abnormal phenotype of cancer cells.Aberrant DNA methylation is regared as the most promising molecular targets for better diagnostics and therapeutics in cancer management.Chemo-resistance prevents curative chemotherapy of cancer and has been intensively studied in recent years.From a comprehensive integrative multi-omic analysis of a panel of the chemo-sensitive versus resistant cell lines, a number of gene set (pathways) having a role in this process have been identified.The gene-centered (pathway centered) mechanistic and clinical studies are followed.In this talk, I will present the recent advance in effort target to a DNA methylation regulated miR (miR193a) in chemo-resistance of bladder cancer.Its DNA methylation status in urine sediments as the diagnostic biomarkers will be also discussed.
摘要: 良好的行为习惯是幼儿健康发展的关键,其培养不是一朝一夕就能完成的,需要长期观察与积累,在不断纠正中逐渐养成。要让幼儿养成良好的行为习惯是一项很艰巨的任务,是所有教育工作者都在思考的问题,作者也在本文中对此问题进行思考,通过对幼儿不良行为习惯产生的原因进行分析,从而得出一些培养幼儿行为习惯的方法。  关键词:小班幼儿;行为习惯;培养方法  一、幼儿习惯养成的重要性  叶圣陶说:“好习惯养成了
  The PIWI/piRNA machinery has been implicated as an innate immune system that prevents the activity of mobile genetic elements from destabilizing DNA in anim