The present situation and sustainable development of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine in Chi

来源 :第四届全国生物入侵大会暨青年创新论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwu521
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  With the development of economic globalization and the expansion of Chinas opening up to outside world,the entry and exit of personnel,goods increase by a large margin,associated with a variety of human diseases and infectious diseases of animal,plant diseases and insect pests increased rapidly.Biological invasion is very serious.According to statistics of the MOA,there are as many as 529 kinds alien invasive species in China.According to statistics of the Quality Inspection Bureau statistics,there are 500000 times,3972kinds animal diseases and plant pests has been intercepted of all kinds in 2011; In 2012,it reached to 579000 times,4331kinds; In 2013,it reached to 610000 times,4883 kinds.Biological invasion can destroy the ecological balance,accelerate the extinction of species,destroy the agricultural production,the impact of international trade,which is harmful to human life and the national security.National security,is urgent needed to national long period of stability,is fully completed an important guarantee of well-off society,is realized to the great rejuvenation of the China Dream.At the third plenary session of the eighteen central committee our party,laid down the point of great needed to improve the public security system,and established " National Security Council ".Therefore,the CIQ which is the first line of defense,will be the most important position and role in national security and sustainable development.
为比较福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata(Lamarck,1828))和本地中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinensis(Gray,1832))纤维素酶活性在不同pH 和温度的差 异,探索福寿螺成功入侵和本地田螺逐渐减少的机制,为有效防治福寿螺提供理 论依据.采用酶学分析方法(羧甲基纤维素法)研究了不同反应温度和pH 值对 福寿螺和田螺肝脏和胃纤维素酶活性的影响.结
Snails are a kind of important aquatic products and dehydration is the main technique in production of snail meal.In this study to dry Pomacea canaliculata,we investigated the wet weight percentage of
The beetle Octodont nipae(Maulik)(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)is a serious invasive pest insect of palm plants in south China,and the endoparasite Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière(Hymenoptera: Eulophida
扶桑绵粉蚧(Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley),源自美国,是一种世界范围内广泛分布的恶性入侵害虫.2008 年传入中国,现已分布至13 个省市.其已报道寄主多达200 余种,各寄主的受害程度与扶桑绵粉蚧在该寄主上的生长发育密切相关.体型大小往往反映昆虫发育适合度,而寄主种类是决定昆虫体型特征的重要因素之一.本文在26±0.6℃、75±8%相对湿度和14L:10D 光照条
本实验研究柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama 获毒的最佳取食部位和最短吸食时间,为生产实践中防治柑橘黄龙病提供帮助.通过EPG 测定了健康的柑橘木虱取食感染黄龙病的马水桔Citrus reticulata 和酸桔Citrus sunki Hort.ex Tanaka 的嫩梢、成熟叶和老叶24h 后的获菌效率.结果表明取食马水桔3 个部位
蚂蚁营群居生活,蚁巢内的温湿度适宜病原微生物的生长繁殖,故蚁巢的清洁对蚂蚁的生存至关重要。蚁巢内蚂蚁的尸体通常携带大量病菌,对同伴的生存构成重大威胁。因此,在漫长的自然选择进化过程中,蚂蚁快速有效地处理尸体的清洁行为便被选择和保留下来。在入侵红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)中,搬尸是处理尸体的主要行为方式。本文以红火蚁和绿僵菌(Metarhiziumanisopliae)为材料,将红
扶桑绵粉蚧(Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley),是一种杂食性入侵害虫,已报道寄主多达207 种,涵盖粮食、经济、园艺、果树等作物。其以刺吸式口器插入韧皮部或叶肉吸取营养,并注入有毒物质危害寄主,导致寄主萎黄、发育不良、扭曲变形、甚至死亡,排泄的蜜露导致煤烟病的发生,降低寄主光合作用。在印度和巴基斯坦的部分棉区,棉花因此减产40%以上。我国大部分地区为其适生区,目前已分布
芒果蓝卷叶象Involvulus sp.是近年来在我国云南芒果产区发生为害日趋严重的害虫,除1990年周至宏对其成虫形态及为害状做了简单介绍外,未见有关于该虫发生、为害习性等相关研究报道;为弄清该虫的发生及为害习性,作者针对该虫开展了调查,结果表明:芒果蓝卷叶象在我国云南(勐底农场、勐底永康分厂、永旬、柯街、保山)、广西(百色)和泰国均有分布.该虫除为害芒果外,还为害腰果和厚皮树.成虫以喙在嫩梢上
南水北调东线工程连接长江、淮河、黄河、海河四大水系,以沿线湖泊为调蓄水库和输水通道,调水过程为沿线生物的迁移提供了通道,源头和输水沿线的外来水生生物可能随调水通道迁移,形成入侵.须鳗鰕虎鱼(Taenioidescirratus)是长江口的咸淡水鱼类,2010 年左右在南四湖渔获物中出现;2013 年成为渔获物常见种类,分布在下级湖; 2014 年开始在上级湖渔获物中出现.须鳗虾虎鱼很可能随江苏省的