Ultrasound guided caudal epidural injection is as effective as the traditional technique in the trea

来源 :中华医学会第十四届骨科学术会议暨第七届COA国际学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zs1979
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目的:设计一种微创手术方法来治疗ANFH.方法:1.病人在麻醉下仰卧位,患则垫高,常规消毒铺巾.在髋外则的大粗隆下2±1 mm处,沿股骨颈纵轴和中心部向股骨头闭合打入导针(直径3mm)至骨软骨下,透视确定位置.2.在导针入口部沿股骨干纵轴全层切开15-20mm,沿导针转入空心钻(自径10mm)形成隧道至骨软骨而下6±1 mm,撤出空心钻和导针.插入特制潜行刮刀至病灶区,以刀片每升高1 mm刮刀旋转
Objective.To investigate the efficacy of pedicle screw instrumentation in correcting spinal deformity in patients with quadriplegic cerebral palsy.Also to assess quality of life and functional improve
Purpose of the study.To compare the effectiveness of unilateral and bilateral pedicle screw techniques in correcting adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Summary of Background Data.Pedicle screw constructs
Objective.The purpose of our study is to evaluate the demographics,progression of deformity,and effect of brace and surgical treatment,as well as the final outcome of scoliosis in our treated and untr