A new surface temperature measurement using infrared detector

来源 :2014年光子与光学工程国际会议暨西部光子学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jcmmdq
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  A new surface temperature measurement using infrared detector Qingsheng Xie,Wei Liu,Hanbing Leng,Bo Yi,Zefeng Wang,Yaohong Chen Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanical of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi'an 710119,P.R.China Abstract:This paper describe a research theoretically of the conversion result to the target surface temperature based on long wave infrared detector,proposed a temperature measurement,then validate it by experiments.First,it introduces the constitution and measurement principle of the medical infrared thermal imager.The medical infrared thermal imager include lens,infrared detect,temperature sensor,A/D converter and signal processor.We use black body as target,which can hold a stable temperature.The medical infrared thermal imager is placed in a constant temperature cabinet,convert infrared of target to gray image and send gray image to PC to save.Meanwhile,the temperature of the infrared thermal imager is else send to PC.Second,it describe the gray drift characteristic of infrared detect,analyze the experimental data under different environment,summarize the gray drift model and propose a gray drift compensation method.Some experiments was accomplish,collect the gray out of infrared imager to black body with different temperature under several environment temperature.In these experiments,we also collect the gray out of shuttle and its temperature.From these experiments,we can summarize the gray drift model.The gray out of infrared detect fluctuates with time and surrounding temperature,even if the target black body have unique temperature,while the difference of black body gray and shuttle gray decrease the influence of environment temperature in a great degree.This paper proposes a temperature measurement which use target gray,shuttle gray and surrounding temperature.It also proposes a gray drift compensate formula,which calculate target temperature,minimize the influence by environment temperature.Finally,some temperature measure experiment was carry out.We modify the temperature measurement in infrared thermal imager by using the compensate formula,then send temperature image to PC and calculate the target temperature.The results show the temperature error after compensation is under 0.5℃,confirm the validity of the temperature measurement.
甲状腺癌颈部淋巴结转移临床特点 发生率高 隐匿性 复发率高 影响预后甲状腺癌颈淋巴结转移的发现途径 颈淋巴结清扫术有助于甲状腺癌的准确分期,是治疗甲状腺癌颈淋巴结转移
前言 1.随着仪器分辨率的提高及健康体检的增多,甲状腺结节的检出率逐年增高 2.甲状腺结节患病率高达60-70%,全球超过3亿人患各种类型甲状腺疾病 2.超声可发现临床触诊发现不
2010年上海市区甲状腺癌发病率 男性10.32/10万第十位 女性29.55/10万第四位 外科手术范围的选择 国内外趋向一致的观点 一、全甲状腺切除或近全切除的手术指征
目的:本实验室前期结果表明,脑缺血可促进由Src家族酪氨酸蛋白激酶(Srcfamily protein tyrosine kinases;SrcPTKs)介导的PSD-95(postsynaptic density protein95)的酪氨酸磷酸化