Anti-microtubule activity of tubeimoside I and its colchicines binding site of tubulin

来源 :第九届全国中药和天然药物学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:farzision
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Tubeimoside I(TBMS1)was isolated fromthe tubers of Bolbostemma panieulatum(Maxim.)Franquet.TBMS1shows potent antitumor activity.The present studywas conducted to investigate the antimicrotubule roleof TBMS1 and its binding site oftubulin.Methods:Cell growth inhibition Was measuredby MTT after treatment with TBMS1.Uptake kinetics ofTBMS1 bv humannasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE-2Z cell line(CNE-2Z)Wasassayed by HPLC.Microtubule protein(MTP)Was preparedfrom porcinebrain through two cycles of polymerization-depolymerization in a high molaritybuffer.Inhibition of MTP polymerization induced byTBMS1 Was determined by a turbidity measurement and asedimentation assay;the interactions of TBMS1 withtubulin within CNE-2Zcells were investigated by immunofluoresceneemicroscopy and immunoblotting.TBMS1 Was tested forits ability to inhibit binding ofknown tubulin ligands through competitive bindingassay.Results:TBMS1 displayed growth inhibitoryactivity against CNE-2Z cellswith IC50 value of 16.7 μM for 72 h.HPLC analysis ofTBMS1 uptake by CNE-2Z eeHs displayed the initialslow TBMS1 uptake andthen gradually reaching an maximum uptake neax 18h.CNE-2Z cells treated with TBMS1(25μM,3 h)weresufficient to cause themicrotubular network disruption.Immunoblot analysisshowed that the proportion of cytosolic tubulin ofceils treated with TBMS1increased in a time-and concentration-dependentmanner.TBMS1 did not inhibit the binding ofvinblastine tO tubtdin.Colchicinebinding to tubulin was inhibited in the presence ofTBMS1.Conclusions:TBMS1 is an anti-mierotubuleagent,and its binding site oftubulin is the colchicine binding site of tubulin.
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