Experience from the traditional Chinese medicine master Liu Zhiming's treatment on coronary hea

来源 :世界中医药学会联合会第二届老年医学专业委员会换届会暨2015学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bulocom
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  The amount of elderly coronary heart disease patient is very huge, and this disease affects elders health seriously.In traditional Chinese medicines theory, it belongs to the "chest pain"category, and the traditional Chinese medicine treatment has a great advantage in curing this disease and improving elders quality of life.The traditional Chinese medicine master Liu Zhiming, who has been working as a doctor for 70 years, has his own unique insights in treatment on coronary heart disease in elder.He has the ideas that the heart yang deficiency is the core pathogenesis of the elderly coronary heart disease, kidney yin deficiency is the root of the disease;The kidney deficiency effect the heart, which can cause the deficiency of heart yin and yang.The treatment principle is to nourish the deficiency.Considering of the spleen and stomach deficiency caused by the diseases long period in elder, the patients should not be nourished too much.They should be nourished lightly and slowly, tonifying with activating the yin and yang, which can simultaneous cure the principal and subordinate symptoms.The treatment principle can be summarized as follows: tonifying the kidney, activating the yang, eliminating pathogenic, tonifying the five viscera.The main syndrome of the disease is kidney yin deficiency and heart Yang deficiency and blood stasis.Professor Liu commonly uses GualouXiebaiBanxia decoction and ShouwuYianshou Dan to cure this disease, uses some couplet medicines such as root of tuber fleece flower and chinese angelica to treat the heart and kidney, uses sun dried ginseng and dried rehmannia root to tonify the kidney, uses snakegourd fruit and Allium macrostemon Bunge to eliminating stagnation and activate yang, uses salvia miltiorrhizaand and pseudo ginseng to dispel blood stasis, which can get satisfied effect.
目的 研究血管性非痴呆认知损害(VCIND)患者神经心理学特征、中医证候与危险因素的相关性,为血管性认知损害临床防治提供依据.方法:在西安咸阳地区6大社区招募中老年志愿者,通过相关神经心理学量表测试、中医证候量表评定以及必要的医学检查,筛选出71名血管性非痴呆认知损害患者,分析患者的神经心理学特征、中医证候、血管性危险因素及其相关性.结果 血管性非痴呆认知损害患者MMSE延迟回忆、MMSE总分、M
目的 探讨阿尔茨海默病患者中医证候分布规律。方法 对320例阿尔茨海默病患者进行中医量表问卷调查,并运用多元统计方法 对资料进行分析研究。结果 综合因子分析和聚类分析、频数分析结果 ,阿尔茨海默病5类主要的证型为:肾精亏虚证、肾精亏虚兼肝气郁滞、肾精亏虚兼心脾两虚、肾精亏虚兼瘀血内阻、肾精亏虚兼脾胃气滞。结论 肾精亏虚是阿尔茨海默病的基本证候。
目的 以中医基础理论和辨证施治为依据,观察加味六君子汤治疗对COPD缓解期(肺脾气虚血瘀证)患者的全身免疫功能的影响.方法 采用随机、对照临床试验的方法 .将42例脾肺气虚兼血瘀型的肺脾气虚型慢性阻塞性肺疾病缓解期患者,分为常规治疗组(对照组)与常规治疗基础上联合中药(黄芪159 党参99白术129 、茯苓12 9、半夏10 9、陈皮12 9、防风69炙甘草6 9用法:水煎早晚温服藏红花19泡茶代
目的 观察慢性肾衰方治疗老年慢性肾功能不全脾肾气虚兼湿浊证患者的临床疗效.方法 按随机数字表分为两组,治疗组31例,对照组30例;对照组给予一般治疗及营养治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上加用慢性肾衰方治疗3个月;检测治疗前后血肌酐、血尿素氮、肾小球滤过率.结果 治疗组临床疗效93.55%,明显高于对照组的30%,有统计学差异(P<0.05).治疗组患者治疗后,血肌酐、尿素氮均较前显著下降(P<0.
目的 研究运用东垣脾胃论方略治疗肿瘤患者消化道症状的临床疗效.方法 研究李东垣脾胃论学说与肿瘤患者胃肠症状辨证施治相关性,用脾胃论三型三方治疗纳呆、不思饮食的96例消化道肿瘤及放化疗后的消化道反应患者,疗程结束后(2周)对其疗效进行评效.结果 总有效率87.18%,客观的评价了脾胃论三型三方方略的临床疗效,方略不仅改善了患者的纳呆、不思饮食症状,而且还不同程度的改善了病患的其它消化道临床症状和体质
Purpose The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Chinese medicine hot pad for degenerative knee osteoarthritis.Method clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee will meet the standards 85 pat
目的 调查分析上海地区百岁老人的骨健康状况及相关因素。方法 以上海市范围内各区县选取的31名百岁老人为调查对象,利用骨质疏松量表填写、体重指数BMI及超声定量骨密度检测等评估,并对性别、年龄、BMI、骨折史等因素进行相关性分析。结果 本研究中发现百岁老人整体骨密度情况均处于骨量减少至骨质疏松阶段,男性百岁老人整体骨密度水平与80岁老人骨密度水平相同。不同性别、既往有骨折史等情况对于骨密度影响均有显
目的 观察并总结32例多系统萎缩患者的临床特点,为临床早期诊断提供依据,减少误诊率.方法 回顾性分析多系统萎缩患者32例,探讨其临床特征和早期诊断线索.结果 MSA患者均隐袭性起病,男性居多,男:女=2.56∶1.平均发病年龄为57±6.3岁(38-86岁).平均病程为3.5±1.6年(6个月到14年).MSA-P亚型8例,MSA-C亚型17例,以MSA-C亚型占优势.颅脑影像学检查及肛门括约肌检
Objective To research the differentially quantitative expressed genes related with immune of aged kidney-yang deficiency (KYD) syndrome and study molecularly target about yougui pill.Methods From the