M(Fe,Co)-BEA washcoated cordierite honeycombs for N2O direct decomposition

来源 :the 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyouzhang034
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  Present work prepared a series of M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated cordierite honeycombs catalysts for N2O direct decomposition.The M(Fe, Co)-BEA powder zeolites with the metal content of 1 wt% were prepared by the ion exchange method [1-3], which were then washcoated on the eordierite honeycombs support by silica or alumina sols of different content (5 wt%, 10 wt%).For the comparison, the M(Fe, Co)-BEA powder catalyst were directly coated on the cordierite support by the water solution.
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