Construction of a two-dimensional liquid chromatography separation system for high-abundance protein

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghui1860
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  The existence of high abundance proteins in human plasma severely impedes the detection of low abundance proteins.This is one of the most difficult problems encountered in plasma proteomic research.We have developed a two-dimensional liquid chromatography system with strong anion exchange chromatography and reversed-phase liquid chromatography (SAX-RPLC) for the extensive separation of plasma proteins and selective depletion of high abundance proteins.TSKgel SuperQ-5PW was selected as the first dimensional separation column for crude human plasma fractionation.Jupiter C4 column was selected as the second dimensional separation column.
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【摘 要】企业是社会经济的晴雨表。人们普遍认为,影响企业发展的主要因素可以归结为“5M”。即:钱、货币;人、劳动力;市场;企业家、经营管理者;机制。若按我国的传统思维方式,作者认为可归纳为:资金资本;人力资源;市场环境;管理人才;政策机遇。在这五个主要因素中有两个是人的因素。可见,人才是影响企业发展最为重要的因素。人才资源是第一资源。人才,作为教育产业和教育领域的产品,它同样有其品质、效益、浪费