Solution of fractional FPK equation corresponded to SDE excited bycombined Gaussian and Lévy white n

来源 :第四届全国神经动力学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:choww
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  Gene expression is a stochastic process,which contain two kinds of noise,intrinsic noise and extrinsic noise.In general,the intrinsic noise comes from the process such as transcription and translation,and state of other cellular components always lead to extrinsic noise.At the beginning,Gene expression is modeled by stochastic differential equation(SDE)excited by Gaussian noise.
Based on the Hindmarsh-Rose(HR)model,the synchronization dynamics of asymmetric structured a pair of electric coupling neuronal system is investigated in this paper.It is discovered that the time-dela
神经元产生的放电活动受外加输入的时间和强度的影响。它们之间的关系尚不明朗。我们研究使得神经元产生峰放电个数最多的输入以及产生一定个数的峰放电的最快的输入。基于Leaky Integrate-and-Fire 模型、Theta 模型、HH 模型等,分析了输入的方式和方法,其中把所有的输入一次给完的输入方式我们叫做大输入。我们证明了大输入在某些条件下既是产生放电个数最多的输入也是产生一定数量峰放电最快
Extensive experiments on rats have shown that environmental cues play an important role in goal locating and navigation.Major studies about locating and navigation are carried out based only on place
In this paper,we In this paper,we focus on investigating effects of time delay on burst synchronization transitions of a neuronal network which is locally modelled by Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.Here,neuro
Excessive synchronization of neurons in cerebral cortex is believed to play a crucial role in the emergence of neuropsychological disorders such as Parkinsons disease,epilepsy and essential tremor.Thi
We constructed a two layer network model to study the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cognitive functions.The network model was used to simulate two cognitive tasks under the electromagneti
基于突触可塑性所涉及的基因表达过程与神经元动作电位的产生,我们建立了一个针对于LTP 的协作性、输入特异性和联合性的计算模型。该模型将基因表达的分子机制与电活动的细胞机制结合起来,通过检测EPSP 和AMPA 首体介导的EPSC 振幅变化,证实该模型可以实现LTP 的三个功能特性。
中风、脑外伤等获得性脑损伤疾病,具有急性起病(供血不足或者血管破裂导致神经细胞死亡或者外力撞击大脑)特征,是研究局部病灶对脑功能网络影响的经典疾病模型.但目前针对这类疾病的脑连接组学研究还非常匮乏.局部脑损伤病人往往伴随有多范畴的认知损伤(如语言,运动,注意,记忆等,Warren et al.,2014; Siegel et al.,2016),这些范畴的认知损伤超出了局部损伤区域的认知功能范畴.