Detection Research on the Absorption Spectra of Interaction Between Pesticides and Human Serum

来源 :第四届全国信息光学与光子器件学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Xusian
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  UV-visible absorption spectroscopy is an important analytical tool which is widely used in structural analysis of organic compounds,quantitative analysis and so on.In this paper,Shimadzu (UV3600) spectrophotometer is used to study absorption spectrum of buprofezin,ERLUBIAN pesticides and the absorption spectra of the interaction between pesticides and human serum.Experimental results showed that,the absorption of pesticides in ultraviolet region was stronger than that of in the visible region in ranges of 200 nm and 700 nm.The positions of maximum absorption of different pesticides were different and the absorption rate was also different.The interactive relationship between different concentrations of pesticides,serum solutions and the standard curve were established by regression analysis model.Quantitative study was made to analyze the pesticide concentration of the samples in which the pesticides and serum interact with,while buprofezin was in 227.5 nm and 285 nm and ERLUBIAN in 317 nm and 331 nm.In addition,when absorption spectrum was applied to the interaction of pesticides and serum,the detection of studies showed that the absorption spectrum used in the role of pesticides and pesticide concentrations was feasible.and had good accuracy.So further study will aid human pesticide poisoning and provide experimental evidence for the patients medication.
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