Numerical simulation of typhoon waves using the wave-current coupling model FVCOM-SWAVE

来源 :第一届中国大地测量和地球物理学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveshe1987
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  The ocean surface waves induced by typhoon "Meari" in China offshore are examined by an unstructured grid,two-way,concurrent wave-current coupling model based on the CCMP (Cross Calibrated Multi-Platform) wind data.The hydrodynamic mode of the coupled model is based on the Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM),the wave model is based on the unstructured grid,finite-volume surface wave model (FVCOM-SWAVE).Comparisons between the calculated value of coupled model and the measured data of significant wave height and averaged period show that each kind of errors is reasonable,and temporal and spatial distribution of the wind field and wave height is consistent with the structural characteristics of typhoon "Meari",so the coupling model can preferably simulate the process of typhoon waves of China offshore when wave-current interaction is considered.In contrast to the experimental situation without regard to the open tide boundary,the significant wave height has noticeably periodic characteristics in the coastal region in terms of the tide.The result indicates that the change of water level has an effect on the changes of wave height when considering the wave-current interaction.This effect is more significant in shallow coastal waters,but relatively small in offshore deep waters.
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