Phonon instability and pressure-induced isostructural semiconductor-semimetal transition of monoclin

来源 :中国物理学会2016年秋季会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang_jun
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  Recent experiments have revealed an intriguing pressure-induced isostructural transition of the low temperature monoclinic VO2 and hinted to the existence of a new metallization mechanism in this system.The physics behind this isostructural phase transition and the metallization remains unresolved.In this work,we show that the isostructural transition is a result of pressure-induced instability of a phonon mode that relates to a CaCl2-type of rotation of the oxygen octahedra which alleviates,but does not completely remove,the dimerization and zigzagging arrangement of V atoms in the M1 phase.This phonon mode shows an increasing softening with pressure,ultimately leading to an isostructural phase transition characterized by the degree of the rotation of the oxygen octahedra.
The kondo lattice compound UAu0.66Sb2 belongs to a family of numerous ternary compounds crystallizing in a tetragonal structure of the HfCuSi2-type(space group P4/nmm).The magnetic susceptibility and
Domain wall dynamics under the joint action of linearly polarized microwave magnetic field and spin transfer torque was analysed in terms of the domain wall collective coordinates.It was confirmed tha
近年来,磁性纳米结构中自旋转移力矩效应(STT)引起了一些新奇的物理现象,如STT 磁矩翻转、磁矩进动以及自旋二极管效应。自旋二极管效应可以用来设计一种新型的纳米微波探测器,其显著优点是有可能克服半导体二极管(如Schottky 二极管)理论探测极限,实现微弱信号的高灵敏检测。然而,在绝大部分报道的研究中,器件需要在外加磁场下才能工作,这对实际应用是不利的。
近年来关于磁等离激元系统的研究已经证实了很多种不同的现象,这些工作主要集中在验证LSPs或SPPs 的激发,以及引起的磁光效应增强。但是很少有研究揭示简单表面等离激元模式如何有效耦合,以及这种耦合怎样才能够被合适的控制和导致新颖的磁光现象。本文中,我们利用激光干涉光刻和电化学沉积的方法,在Co 薄膜上构建了二维正方排列的有序Ni 纳米圆盘阵列。
当今集成电路用微波软磁薄膜要求铁磁共振频率fr 高、磁导率高μ、自偏置性(无外磁场),且制备工艺与当今CMOS 工艺兼容,因此,具有高饱和磁化强度4πMS 的Fe-Co 基金属薄膜由于fr 和μ 高,CMOS 工艺兼容性好,得到广泛研究。
Despite recent progress in spin-current research,the detection of spin current has mostly remained indirect.By synchronizing a microwave waveform with synchrotron x-ray pulses,we use the ferromagnetic
近年来,随着电子器件向微型化、高频化、集成化的发展,软磁薄膜已被广泛应用各种高速电子器件中,比如微型平面电感磁芯和抗电磁干扰吸波材料1.在不同应用的微波环境中,就需要软磁薄膜材料具有不同的复数磁导率(μ = μ(′)-jμ(″)).