Dual-peak response pattern of dimming detectors in frog retina

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanyao88
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  Objective Dual-peak response of retinal ganglion cells has been observed in several species, such as chicken, turtle and mouse.But the underlying mechanism of dual-peak response pattern is still not clear.The present study is to explore (1) whether dual-peak response pattern exists in dimming detectors (one type of frog retinal ganglion cells), (2) the relation between dual-peak response and different stimulus pattern, and (3) the possible mechanism of dual-peak response.Methods Ganglion cells firing activities were recorded using multi-electrode arrays.Spatially uniform visual stimulus was generated from a computer monitor and projected onto retinal surface via a lens focus system.Periodical flash stimulations with different On-Off intervals were given.In pharmacological experiments, 10 mM bicuculline was applied.Results (1) Most of the dimming detectors recorded in our experiments showed the dual-peak pattern in response to flash stimulation.(2) Cells response pattern was related with stimulus pattern.(3) The dual-peak response pattern could be modulated by exogenously applied bicuculine.Conclusion The dual-peak response exists in frog retinal ganglion cells and is related to stimulus pattern, this response pattern may be related to GABAergic pathways.
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