Clinical manifestations of Campylobacter jejuni infection in adolescents and adults, and change in a

来源 :第二届京港感染医师论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengjjing
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  Background: Campylobacter jejuni infection, traditionally a paediatric illness, is now seen more frequently in adolescents and adults in northern China.Published surveillance reports on C.jejuni infection in these patients are rare.We aimed to characterize (1) the clinical manifestations of this infection in adolescents and adults, and (2) changes in antibiotic resistance of the pathogen.Methods: We retrospectively examined 492 cases of C.jejuni infection in patients aged≥ 14 y treated at the Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China, for the period January 1994 to December 2010.Results: The disease was more common in patients aged 14-24 y and in men (57.9%; p<0.0001 vs women).The peak incidence was seen between May and October.The infection manifested with acute diarrhoea (< 10 bowel movements per day, loose or mucous stool), fever (mostly low grade), and abdominal cramps and pain.Faecal leukocytes and erythrocytes were demonstrated in, respectively, 90.9% and 79.3% of stool specimens, while leukocytes > 10 per high-power field were detected in 70.3%.In 1994-1998, 44.5% of C.jejuni strains were resistant to fluoroquinolone, 0% to gentamicin, and 0% to cefuroxime; in 2005-2010, resistance increased significantly to 97.9%, 16.7%, and 93.0%, respectively (p<0.0001).The resistance to erythromycin did not change significantly (3% vs 6.4%, p =0.4).Conclusions: Manifestations of C.jejuni infection in adolescent and adult patients are similar to those in children.Over the 16-y study period, resistance of C.jejuni to fluoroquinolones, gentamicin, and cefuroxime significantly increased.
目的 研究新型核苷类化合物FNC对Raji细胞增殖的影响及其作用机制.方法 分别用0、0.035、0.35、3.5、35和350 μmol·L-1的FNC处理Raji细胞24、48、72h后,应用MTT法检测细胞生长抑制率;分别用0、0.035、0.175、0.875、4.375μmol-L-1FNC处理Raji细胞48h后用流式细胞术(FCM)检测细胞周期及凋亡率,用RT-PCR技术与Weste
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背景 近年来由于抗生素的广泛应用,细菌所产生的耐药性也逐年增强.细菌的耐药性具有地域特点,不同地区,甚至不同医院的细菌耐药性亦有所不同,故及时了解本地区和本医院的耐药状况,对指导临床合理应用抗菌素具有重要意义.本研究就我院2010年细菌的耐药性情况进行分析,了解我院临床分离菌株对常用抗菌素的耐药情况.方法 采用纸片扩散Kirby-Bauer法,对我院2010年分离的1 465株临床分离菌株作药物敏
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