The transport development and the pattern evolvement of regional transport superiority in china duri

来源 :中国地理学会2012年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyao2048
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  During the last one hundred years, the development of modem transport which was from weak to strong in china had been experiencing a process of five historical stages with respective initial stages for railway,national highway, civil aviation, expressway, high speed railway transports.And as the western developed countries used entire 200 hundred years, China transportation achieved its modernization successfully in a relatively short time.The transformation and extension of the transport network and the construction of transport infrastructure promoted Chinese social and economic evolution from the perspective of spatial patterns and regional advantages.By the interpolation simulation of regional transport superiority based on Inverse Distance Weighted spatial interpolation methods and the construction of transport superiority indicator system based on weighting valuation methods in railways, national highways, civil aviation and expressways.This paper analyzes the characteristics of spatial pattern of transport superiority degree in different transports initial periods, and the spatial pattern evolvement of transport superiority degree during the last one hundred years.And it gets the following conclusions.In the past century, regions of high transport superiority degree in china have been moving and diffusing from the northeast to Beijing and Tianjin area and other coastal areas at first, then it further spreading to eastern, central and western regions of china, and forming a comprehensive transport superiority structure of space-efficient diffusion in the eastern and central regions of china in which it has a much better economic condition.The spatial pattern characteristics of transport superiority evolution is closely related to the background of the Chinese modem transportation improvements and the traffic network system construction, and also related to each unique period of history in China: the period of Anti-Japanese War, the early period of National Reconstruction, the period of reform and opening in economic development.During this one hundred years, the harbor transportation (including river ports, seaports, airports, and so on) the railway transportation (including railway, high speed railway and so on), the highway transportation (including national highway,expressway and so on), and other new transportation modes in turns promoted regional development efficiency in the form of shaft coming from point, the form of point radiating from shaft, the form of point reacting to line.And it makes the Chinese transport infrastructure and its spatial organization development efficiency as well.
本研究以浙江瓯江水系为研究对象,探讨DEM的自动水系提取及其精度评价,并从点位精度方面,与手工提取的浙江省1∶250,000水系数据做一番深入的比较。具体步骤是:以SRTM DEM (90m)和ASTER DEM (30m)为试验数据,通过河网密度、河床坡度、河网分叉比与集水面积阈值的相关性,采用多种推求流域集水面积阈值的方法选择合理阈值,进行水系的自动提取;并在自动提取的水系中选择一组特征点,与
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