WHY ART EDUCATION IS ATTRACTIVE TO THE PAKISTANI WOMEN ? --Based on the interview on the university

来源 :2014年两岸四地大学教学文化与教师发展学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loverzhouweia
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  Educational and artistic trends in Pakistan are changing like the rest of the world.Its citizens potential is high especially in creativity and aesthetics.Perhaps the reason behind this fact is that Pakistan possesses a rich cultural heritage.There is a number of private education sector is on the rise and in almost every school a female teacher is required with the subject of fine Arts.It is also a fact that the subject of fine arts is taught in the Government Female colleges only, except few Male colleges.In addition to this, an obvious advancement can be observed in the fashion industry, textile designing, exhibitions of Art works and it is worth-mentioning that the girls are given preference in these areas beside teaching.The changing trends are concemed in the society, girls are gripped social, cultural and traditional restrictions, and hence through the learning of art, they can earn their livelihood without going out of home and take the benefit of their skills, some girls of well-off families take the subject of art as status symbol.Purpose of research is highlights immense interest in art education to the Pakistani women ,increase enrolments of female in art education is admirable ,although the time is changing but it will take sufficient time for the women to move independently in the market.Based on the literatures and documents and interview with female art educationists from three institutions in Pakistan, this paper will explore the causes why women are giving importance to the art education and how much they have been successful in achieving their objectives.It will also be discussed as to why this discipline of art education is beneficial for women, who have got skills in various art and are introducing new trends in this field.
目的:观察油茶皂苷(SQS)的致突变作用. 方法:实验分为空白对照组、阳性对照组和SQS不同剂量组,分别采用Ames实验观察每皿回变菌落数、小鼠精子畸变实验观察精子畸变率、小鼠
摘要:在当前时代下,兵团南疆机采棉机械化生产已经成为当前时代的主要发展趋势,但是在兵团南疆机械化生产的过程中,还存在着诸多的问题,急需解决,所以相关工作人员在实际工作过程中需要明确主要的生产技术,结合实际情况制定完善的管理模式,并且对棉花生产机械化关键环节进行进一步的改进,以提升采棉管理决策水平为主来开展日常的工作,从而使得生产水平和生产质量能够得到有效的提高。  关键词:兵团南疆;机采棉机械化;
目的:研究雷奈酸锶治疗人工关节磨损微粒诱导骨溶解的作用,探讨防治人工关节置换术后假体松动的可能性. 方法:采用小鼠建立Co-Cr-Mo微粒诱导骨溶解的颅骨模型,分为4组:A组为