The Necessity of Access Management in Rapid Urbanization Areas1 and Some Practices in Jiangsu Provin

来源 :第十八届中国科协年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w734289467
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  This article firstly introduced the basic concept of access management,and then interpreted technical system of access management which includes road function,road accessibility,access port pitch and access port micro design.It still analyzed the trends of traffic demands in rapid urbanization areas which suggests that Total traffic demand continues to grow,but the growth rate will slow down; traffic demands vary obviously in rapid urbanization areas; the road traffic still dominate compared with other traffic modes.With the help of case of Jiangsu province,the necessity of access management is interpreted.Finally this article introduced some successful approaches in Jiangsu province which includes four parts: finishing theoretical discussion of road function,improving the road network functional level,strengthening access permission management and improving the relevant standards.The result shows that,the characteristic of rapid urbanization areas includes rapid development of economy,high rate of urbanization,comprehensive road network and diverse traffic demands vary accordingly.It still reveals that,with advance of urbanization,lack of highway access management makes the road network operation efficiency and traffic safety issues more prominent.As a result,it is very necessary and urgent for rapid urbanization areas to carry out road access management research.
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