Recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Domain-1 from Coagulation Factor Ⅶ Conjugated Iron Oxide Na

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxdongdong
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  Purpose: To investigate the recombinant epidermal growth factor-like domain-1 derived from coagulation factor Ⅶ conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential MRI contrast agent for targeted glioma imaging.Methods: Recombinant EGF1-EGFP fusion protein was expresssed in a prokaryotic system.The targeting ability of EGF1-EGFP to tissue factor positive U87MG glioma cells and HUVECs was verified.Then,EGF1-EGFP was covalently conjugated onto PEG-COOH coated IONPs and the as-prepared EGF1-EGFP-IONPs were characterized using various techniques.The cellular uptake of EGF1-EGFP-IONPs by U87MG cells and HUVECs was investigated by in vitro cell MRI and Prussian blue staining.The preferential accumlation of nanoconjugates within glioma was demonstrated by MRI in an orthotopic xenograft mouse model.Results: EGF1-EGFP showed excellent targeting activity to TF overexpressing U87MG cells and HUVECs.The synthesized EGF1-EGFP-IONPs exhibited higher binding affinity to U87MG cells and HUVECs than plain IONPs and EGFP-IONPs in vitro.In vivo experiments demonstrated that the T2 relaxation time in the EGF1-EGFP-IONPs group significantly reduced and stayed a relatively steady level,about 64%at 12 h post-injection.There was a statistically significant difference in normalized T2 at 12 h post-injection of the targeted and non-targeted IONPs(P<0.05).Conclusion: EGF1-EGFP-IONPs holds great potential for clinical translation and developing targeted theranostics of brain glioma.
INTRODUCTION:Inferior shoulder dislocation, which is also known as luxactio erecta, is a rare lesion that affects approximately 0.5% (1 in 200) of shoulder joint dislocation cases.
目的 分析儿童梨状窝瘘的形成原因、临床表现及影像学表现特征,提高对其的认识和诊断水平.方法 回顾性分析23例经术后病理证实的梨状窝瘘(congenital pyriform sinus fistula,CPSF)患儿的完整的临床和影像学资料.结果 23例患儿,男13例,女10,年龄1-11岁,平均4.7岁,16例患儿以左颈前反复肿痛就诊,其中6例曾被误诊为甲状腺脓肿并手术,7例以颈前肿块入院,全部
Gliomas are the most common and lethal primary brain tumors with rich vascularization.Despite the advent of emerging immunotherapy and targeted treatment,the prognosis and survival of patients with gl
目的:探讨MR增强血管造影(contrast enhanced MR angiography,CE-MRA)显示肾动脉解剖变异的价值.方法:采用回顾性分析213例肾动脉CE-MRA检查图像,包括肾动脉变异的显示情况以及分型.结果:肾动脉变异分别占病例数和肾脏数的30.05%(64/213)和19.72%(84/426),其中肾动脉过早分支发生率为6.57%(28/426),副肾动脉变异发生率为13
目的 探讨动态增强MRI(DCE-MRI)定量参数与高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasound,HIFU)子宫肌瘤消融术疗效的相关性.方法 HIFU术前对65例子宫肌瘤患者(82个子宫肌瘤)行DCE-MRI检查,经后处理软件获得子宫肌瘤定量参数Ktrans、Ve、Kep、Vp值以及子宫肌层定量参数Ktrans值,分析子宫肌瘤定量参数与其HIFU术后消融率的相
目的:探讨新生儿低血糖脑损伤的MRI特征,为低血糖性脑损伤患儿的诊断及治疗提供依据.方法:回顾性分析我院收治的11 例临床诊断为低血糖脑损伤患儿的MRI表现.结果:本组中,累及双侧顶枕叶11例,胼胝体压部7例,侧脑室旁白质2例,1例伴脑室旁点状出血.首次MRI检查表现为病变部位长T1长T2信号,DWI高信号11例,2例内囊后肢T1WI高信号消失,1例伴脑室旁点状出血呈短T1短T2信号.1个月后MR
目的 使用数字化DR自动AEC程序曝光,比较不同的感光度、是否应用滤线栅摄影,对图像质量和辐射剂量的影响.方法 飞利蒲单板数字化DR 行模拟人体下肢进行两组曝光测试,一组:固定(57)KV,选用滤线栅,自动AEC,感光度设置分为17级:S50→S2000,另一组:不使用滤线栅,其它参数与每一组保持一致;依次曝光...,分别记录两组每次曝光量及辐射剂量DAP值.由科室质控小组两位医生,对图像质量进行
病例 男,2岁。口角流涎伴不自主抽搐1年余。专科检查:神志清楚,口角无歪斜,双瞳孔等大等圆。四肢肌力及肌张力正常,病理征及脑膜刺激征阴性。头颅MRI检查,提示右侧颞叶巨大不规则囊实性混杂信号肿块,实性部分主要呈等T1稍长T2信号,FLAIR呈稍高信号,弥散未见明显受限,内可见多发点片状稍长T1长T2信号,SWI示实性部分内可见散在点状低信号及局灶高信号;实性部分周围可见多发大小不等的长T1长T2囊
Objective Prospectively investigate the application of low kVp and ASIR in abdominopelvic CT scan for small BMI patients.Materials and Methods 24 patients (BMI < 22) underwent abdominopelvic CT at GSI