Optimization of hindfoot alignment radiography

来源 :中华医学会第十八届骨科学术会议暨第十一届COA国际学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A121972311
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  Backgroud: Cobey and Buck described methods to evaluate hindfoot alignment, but it is still unclear which method is better and easier to perform in clinical practice. Purpose: To evaluate the optimal method for radiography of hindfoot alignment. Material and Methods: We randomly selected 50 patients visiting the foot and ankle surgery outpatient department who underwent hindfoot alignment radiography between July 1 and August 31, 2015. Radiographs were taken using both Cobeys and Bucks methods. The patients were divided into three groups by calcaneal inclination angle. We assessed the calcaneotibial angle, calcaneovertical angle and the distance from the bottom of the calcaneus to the mid-tibial axis. A comparative analysis was performed separately using the t-test. Results: One hundred pairs of data for Cobeys and Bucks methods were obtained. The angles were analyzed separately in valgus, normal and varus situations. The results showed no significant difference between Cobeys method and Bucks method regardless of any situation (P>0.05). Regarding the distance between the bottom of the calcaneus and the mid-tibial axis, the average result of Bucks method was about one millimeter larger than that of Cobeys method in valgus and normal cases (P<0.05), except for varus cases (P>0.05). Conclusion: Cobeys and Bucks techniques are the classic and popular hindfoot alignment assessment methods. The use of Bucks technique resulted in a better image with a less technical procedure and less time requirement. It is worthy of being popularized and used routinely for hindfoot radiography.
目的 为减少冠脉介入高龄男性患者使用双抗药物后留置导尿出现血尿的风险. 方法:将纳入研究对象共20例,分为改良组10例,传统组10例,传统留置导尿方法即在充分润滑后选择14号尿管行留置导尿.改良方法在消毒后用利多卡因胶浆润滑尿管前端,用注射器抽取利多卡因胶浆2ml注入尿道内,再选择10号带钢丝的尿管行留置尿管. 结果 改良方法组在成功率、减少尿道出血、肉眼血尿方面优于传统方法组,经卡方检验,二者差
目的:TWIST-VIBEX序列用于胰腺快速动态增强扫描中的可行性及临床应用初探 方法:收集2015年3月至2016年5月经临床证实为胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤的患者20例,胰腺癌患者10例.将胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤患者随机分为A1、B两组,每组10例;胰腺癌患者为A2组.A组病人均行TWIST-VIBE动态增强扫描,所得图像在tissue 4D上进行灌注参数(Ktrans,Kep,Ve,iAUC)分析.B组
目的 通过分析单侧颈内动脉慢性闭塞患者的动脉端、静脉端血流动力学差异,评估相关脑区的侧枝代偿状态并判断中短期预后. 方法 纳入38例单侧颈内动脉完全闭塞患者(左侧18例,右侧20例),均完成DWI、TOF-MRA、DSC-PWI及SWI扫描.将患者分为三组:组1为无症状性单纯血管闭塞;组2患者因TIA就诊;组3发生相应脑区急性梗死.使用DSC-PWI数据评价动脉端异常,使用SWI评价静脉端异常.
OBJECTIVES:The study aimed to investigate the positive predictive value (PPV) of mammographic lymphography (MLG) for assessing malignant breast disease and lymphatic metastasis in patients in a typica
目的:探讨MRI动态增强对乳腺病变的诊断价值. 方法:使用Philips Achieva 1.5T 超导磁共振扫描仪,专用双侧乳腺相控阵表面线圈,体位:俯卧位,双乳自然悬垂于专用乳腺线圈内,用垫子适当填充,序列:动态增强dyn- eTHRIVE-TRA,轴位扫描,TR shortest,TE shortest,翻转角15,视野300mm,激励次数1次,层厚1mm,高压注射团注法,速率3ml/s,D
目的:探讨胃外生型胃肠间质瘤(gastric exophytic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, geGIST)的CT征象,提高其与邻近脏器来源肿瘤的鉴别诊断水平. 方法:回顾性分析2013年4月至2016年1月我院15例经手术病理证实的geGIST患者,入组条件要求肿瘤与胃及邻近至少一个脏器的脂肪间隙消失、造成起源脏器判断困难.对照组纳入胃周其他脏器起源且与胃壁
目的 探讨双源CT Flash扫描在肺动脉计算机断层摄影血管造影术(computed tomography angiography,CTA)检查中的应用价值. 方法 对应用双源CT flash扫描与应用普通扫描方法的肺动脉CTA图像各40例进行对照,探讨应用双源CT flash扫描模式对肺动脉CTA图像质量的影响. 结果 对比两组检查中各级肺动脉的CT值,P>0.05差异无统计学意义;对比左肺段静
目的 探讨原发性肾脏淋巴瘤的临床特征、影像学特点、治疗方法及预后。 方法 回顾性分析1例原发性肾脏淋巴瘤患者的临床资料,结合相关文献资料探讨肾脏原发性淋巴瘤的临床表现、影像学特点、治疗方法及预后。 结果 1例影像学诊断左肾淋巴瘤患者行左侧肾区肿物穿刺活检后确诊为非霍奇金B细胞淋巴瘤—弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(GCB)伴坏死,手术切除病灶并化疗,随访4个月,患者生活状况良好。 结论 肾脏是结外淋巴瘤最好发