The role of bone-marrow derived adult stem cells in a transgenic mouse model of allergic asthma

来源 :第11届全军呼吸内科专业委员会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nd963852
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  Background: Asthmatic airway remodeling is an abnormal injury/repair process of small airway on the basis of chronic inflammation, in which the quantities of multiple lung parenchyma cells dramatically increase.However, the origin of these proliferative cells is still not clearly elucidated.Objective: The aim of this study is to examine whether bone-marrow derived adult stem cells are responsible for the proliferative cells in asthmatic airway remodeling.Methods: Adult mice were durably engrafted with BM isolated from GFP transgenic mice.Using GFP BM chimera mice, OVA-induced chronic asthma mouse model were established.The distribution of BM-derived GFP+ cells in the lung of chronic asthma mice was detected by fluorescence microscopy.The phenotype of BM-derived GFP+ cells in the lung tissues of chronic asthma mice was analyzed by flow cytometry.Results: BM-chimera mice were successfully constructed, with no detectable radioactive inflammation observed.Using BM-chimera mice, we established a mouse model of chronic asthma characterized by significant increment of the thickness of airway subepithelial base membrane and smooth muscle layers.OVA treatment caused many GFP+ cells to appear in the sites of small airway inflammation.The extravascular localization of some GFP+ cells and their morphology was not consistent with leukocytes.Flow-cytometric analysis of lung cells revealed a significant increase in Col I+GFP+ cells and α-SMA+GFP+ cells in OVA-treated GFP BM chimera mice.Conclusions: Considerable Col I-producing cells and α-SMA-producing cells originated from bone marrow in the lung tissues of OVA-induced chronic asthma mice and bone-marrow derived adult stem cells are at least partly responsible for asthmatic airway remodeling.
50岁的王阿姨,近来经常感到脖子酸痛,两肩沉重,尤其是忙碌一天后,整个后背都是凉凉的,还很僵硬。王阿姨觉得可能是劳累引起,于是痛的时候就让家人帮忙捏捏。老公很想为她解除疼痛,每次为她揉捏都很卖力。可是王阿姨的疼痛反而越来越严重。于是老公陪她来到医院骨科就诊,一檢查才知道是颈椎出了问题。  日常生活中,很多人上了年纪或者劳累之后都会出现颈部酸痛,一般揉揉捏捏也会缓解。但是医生特别提醒,颈椎如果有问题