Flexible Sb2Se3solar cells and its effective intersurface passivation

来源 :第七届新型太阳能电池材料科学与技术学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong445
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  Antimony selenide(Sb2Se3)has attracted increasing attention due to its low-cost,non-toxic,earth-abundant components and similar properties with CdTe.
无毒环保且稳定的无铅卤化物双钙钛矿材料被认为是铅基钙钛矿材料最有前景的替代品之一。其中Cs2AgBiBr6 双钙钛矿材料具有引人注目的光学[1]和电学[2]特性,使其有希望用于高效的光电器件。然而,其过大的带隙(> 2 eV)导致其吸收性能差,限制了其进一步的应用,尤其是在光伏领域。我们采用结晶工程策略来调节基准双钙钛矿Cs2AgBiBr6 的带隙。
The solar cells have emerged as a series of star technologies in utilization of renewable energy.However,the issues raised by the short lifetime of the photovoltaics and toxic processing have severely
Organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskites(ABX3),especially layered 2D perovskites,have been recognized as promising semiconductors due to their tunable crystal structure and the unique optoelectroni
有机无机金属卤素杂化钙钛矿是一类极具应用前景的光电功能材料。三维钙钛矿主要应用于太阳能电池的吸光层是目前一大研究热点。通过利用构建三维结构的甲脒阳离子,首次调控出它的零维416 构型的厘米级单晶材料,由于其强的量子限域效应和较大的激子结合能,导致其复合概率远大于三维材料,从而显著提升了其发光量子产率(PLQY)。
染料敏化太阳能电池器件具有制造工艺简单、成本效益高、光电转换效率高等优点而受到广泛关注[1,2].I3-/I-是其常用的一种氧化还原电对,其对应的对电极则常采用贵金属铂.但金属Pt 昂贵和在电解质体系中长期稳定性差限制了染料敏化太阳能电池的发展[3].因此,发展低成本、稳定性好的非贵金属对电极材料具有重要意义[4].
Various types of organic dyes were synthesized to enhance efficiency over past years.Understanding structure-property relationships is a significant issue to develop novel dye for high efficiency dye-
高效、稳定、环保的蓝光是红/绿/蓝三基色白光LED 应用的关键因素,但相对于绿光和红光发射,蓝光发射效率偏低。近年来,无铅双钙钛矿材料相对于铅卤钙钛矿具有天然的低毒性和高稳定性,特别是其自限域激子(self-trapped excitons)发光表现出高量子产率的宽带暖白光发射[1],颇受研究者青睐。
The UV/visible detection of ZnO/NiO nanowire arrays is firstly found,that is the low energies photons could be detected which are significantly smaller than the band gap of ZnO(3.3eV)and NiO(3.7eV),an
Antimony selenide(Sb2Se3)emerging as a promising photovoltaic material has achieved over 9%efficiency within only 6 years.1 Various kinds of buffer materials are employed for Sb2Se3 solar cells to con