The study of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Laser

来源 :第二届液晶光子学国际会议暨3D论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aibang027123456
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  Cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) laser has a great application prospect in medical diagnostics,light-emitting diode,display etc.,because of the microscopic size,narrow line widt,low threshold and easy to tunning.In this talk,we will report some of our recent progresses on planar CLC cell lasers,and self-assembled CLC microdroplet laser.We demonstrate a tunable CLC cell laser in form of a planar CLC texture with alignment film.The lasing wavelengh is tunable from 618 nm to 608 nm by applying a voltage.And the lasing wavelengh also could be tunable from 619 nm to 595 nm by changing the temperature of the CLC cell.We presents a novel approach to laser tuning range broadening in photosensitive CLC formulations based on a chiral azo dopant.We design and synthesize the chiral azo dopant with axially chiral 1,1’-binaphthyl group and the distinct optical properties of the azo moiety.The optical tuning range could reach 100 nm.
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在庭院种植葡萄,应根据庭院比较小的特点,采用圆柱形或篱棚架整修,才能充分利用庭院的空间。 1.圆柱形修剪 采用这种方法,可节约架材,并能充分利用零星空地,单株占地直径仅1
缺少维生素A皮肤粗糙干燥,呼吸道易感染,眼部有干燥感,畏光、多泪,视觉逐渐模糊。缺少维生素B_1 会引起消化不良,气色不佳,有时手脚发麻,患多发性神经炎和脚气病。缺少维生