Studies on the mechanism of testicular dysfunction in the early stage of a streptozotocin induced di

来源 :GTAUF2014 & APSMHA2014第六届长城泌尿男科转化医学论坛暨第七届亚太男性健康与抗衰老研究学会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kid0226
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  Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic model has been widely used to study the effects of diabetes mellitus (DM) on male infertility, but it remains unclear whether the responses in this model are due to hyperglycemia or STZ per se.This study was designed to investigate the mechanism of STZ on testicular dysfunction.In the present study, sperm characteristics, serum testosterone, steroidogenic enzymes (STAR and 3β-HSD), and the vimentin apical extension of sertoli cells decreased significantly in the STZ group compared with those in the normal controls (P<0.05), while Johnsens score, testicular lipid peroxidation, spermatogenic cell apoptosis, and the expressions of NF-κB and Wnt4 significantly increased (P<0.05).Insulin replacement mainly restored the decreased serum testosterone and steroidogenic enzymes, but not other parameters.The results indicated that spermatogenic dysfunction in the earlystage of STZinduced diabetic rats was due to direct STZ cytotoxity to sertoli cells, which could be regulated by Wnt4 and NF-κB, while steroidogenic dysfunction might be a direct or indirect consequence of insulin deficiency.The results suggested that STZ-induced diabetic model, at least in the early stage,is not suitable to study the diabetes-related spermatogenic dysfunction.
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