
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihao136
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我国已进入人口老龄化社会,随着人民生活水平的不断提高及饮食结构的不断改善,老年高血压病日渐增多,随之又引发了严重的心脑肾病变,严重影响了老年人的生活质量,危害老年人的身体健康。控制老年人高血压病上升的问题,引起了国内外医学卫生行业的高度重视。在2003年6月欧洲高血压“指南”中认为根据现有的证据,建议所有高血压患者的血压应严格控制在140/90 mmHg以下,也就是说老年高血压患者也和正常人一样,血压应控制在140/90 mmHg以下。根据老年高血压患者血压波动大、脉压增大、并发症多、伴有多种疾病、易于发生药物副反应等特点,在诊治老年高血压病方面,要从改善生活习惯,调整饮食结构等非药物治疗入手,药物治疗应采取阶梯用药法,从小剂量开始,不突然撤换药物,不间断用药及个体化治疗相结合的治疗原则。 China has entered an aging population. With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards and the continuous improvement of diet structure, the increasing number of elderly people with hypertension, which in turn leads to serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, seriously affect the quality of life of the elderly , Endanger the health of the elderly. The problem of controlling the rise of hypertension in the elderly has aroused great attention from the domestic and foreign medical and health industries. In the June 2003 European Hypertension Guide, it was suggested that based on the available evidence, all hypertensive patients should be under strict control of their blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg, meaning that elderly hypertensive patients are also as healthy as normal people , Blood pressure should be controlled below 140/90 mmHg. According to hypertension in elderly patients with large fluctuations in blood pressure, pulse pressure, complications, accompanied by a variety of diseases, prone to drug side effects, etc., in the diagnosis and treatment of elderly hypertension, from the improvement of living habits, adjust the diet structure Non-drug treatment to start, drug treatment should take the ladder medication, starting from a small dose, do not suddenly replace drugs, continuous medication and individual treatment combined with the principle of treatment.
省会“一把手”通常由省委常委兼任的惯例,让同级和上级纪委均很难对其进行监督  去年 5月22日,随着南宁市委书记余远辉被中纪委调查,十八大之后,省会城市“一把手”落马人数已达8人,在中国省会城市中占比26%。  在这些落马的省会“一把手”中,中央候补委员有5名,分别为万庆良、陈川平、王敏、杨卫泽,以及此次被调查的余远辉。  腐败的磁场  这些落马的省会“一把手”,除了高劲松尚未等到进省委常委就落马
蓝田地区第三系中兔形类和啮齿类化石不多,除在蓝田十里河高坡村的白鹿原组中找到过一件性质介于 Shamolagus 和 Desmatolagus 之间的古兔类(Palaeolaginae)的下臼齿 (李传夔
在祖国最西边的喀什、阿图什、乌恰转了一圈,所见所闻,使人振奋,好象摸到了强劲跳动的我国经济改革的脉搏。 这个角角十分偏僻。从上海到乌鲁木齐有四千公里,乘特快火车也得
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Purpose: Taking Zhihu as the object for a case study, we intend to analyze the key factors that have affected users on adopting answers in social Q&A(SQA) websi