供需基本平衡 价格相对稳定——一季度中国市场评述

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一季度,国内市场在国民经济宏观形势进一步向好的大环境下,继续保持繁荣、稳定的势头,消费品市场活跃,物价涨幅逐步回落,重要商品和生产资料供求基本平衡。国家启动房地产市场的措施力度加强,但房地产市场仍未出现明显转机。 消费品市场。一季度,我国消费品市场继续保持稳定旺销势头。社会消费品零售总额实现6632.9亿元,同比增长15.5%,是近年来较高的。消费品零售总额增长有以下几个特点:第一,消费品零售总额逐月递减。第二,城市增长仍高于县及县以下增幅。第三,东、中部地区商品零售总额增幅仍高于西部地区。第四,国有、集体经济零售额增幅低于其他经济类型。 生产资料市场。一季度,全国钢材市场供需大体平衡,价格变化不大。虽然我国去年已把住 In the first quarter, the domestic market continued its momentum of prosperity and stability under the macroeconomic situation in which the macroeconomic situation in the national economy was further improved. The consumer goods market was active and prices rose gradually. The supply and demand of important commodities and means of production were basically balanced. National measures to start the real estate market to strengthen the efforts, but the real estate market has not yet apparent change. Consumer goods market. In the first quarter, China’s consumer goods market continued its steady sales momentum. Total retail sales of social consumer goods hit 663.29 billion yuan, up 15.5% over the same period of previous year, which is a high in recent years. The growth of the total retail sales of consumer goods has the following characteristics: First, the total retail sales of consumer goods decrease month by month. Second, urban growth is still higher than that of counties and counties. Third, the total retail sales of goods in the eastern and central regions still increase more than in the western region. Fourth, the retail sales of state-owned and collective economy have been lower than other types of economy. Production data market. In the first quarter, supply and demand in the national steel market were generally balanced with little price changes. Although my country has lived last year
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