
来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charse
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  【Abstract】Input is the precondition of interaction and output while output promotes the input and the interaction of language,which could increase the effectiveness of input and enhance the chance of the absorption of interaction.By analyzing an ESL class,this paper gives readers a picture of how the second language (SL) learners get information,absorb and digest the information,produce language and form their language system in their SL learning.At last,it gives suggestions on how to ensure language learners have a better chance to get comprehensible input,assimilate language during interaction and output more accurate and comprehensible second language in an ESL class.
  【Key Words】ESL class; input; interaction; output
  Introduction of the ESL class
  Recorded by “Universal Institute of Technology”,which is a language institute,this class is an adult English as second language class (ESL) in the city of Melbourne.It is a class at the pre-intermediate level,which is comprised of a small group of the students,approximately 8.These students come from different countries and different backgrounds,namely Peru,Brazil,Italy,China and the majority of Korea,and do not have the same first language in common.Having been teaching them for about 5 months,the teacher Ms.Monique Sheldon-Stemm (Ms.Sheldon) focuses on how to talk about a special occasion by using two tenses,the past continuous tense and the simple past tense,to tell a story and she used four steps to achieve her teaching purpose.
  In the first step of the class,Ms.Sheldon gave a topic and brainstormed the students.The students had 2 minutes to think about the words and phrases that may be related to the topic.For the second step of the teaching procedure,the teacher asked the students to find a partner and talk about his/her own ideas,which would take another 2 minutes.What the students need to do during this period of time is to understand what his/her partner is speaking about his/her special occasion and try to help each other and improve by listening carefully.For the third step,the students were asked to think about how to make a proper sentence and then write down 2 sentences using their own words from brainstorming in 5 minutes.Ms.Sheldon didn’t forget to remind the students of tenses they should use for making their sentences.For step 4,she suggested the students check their sentences by reading aloud or asking someone else such as the teacher or partners to find whether the sentences are correct or not.The criterion was that if the sentences were understood,they were correct.Then each students need to tell their stories,“A Special Occasion” to their partners.Ms.Sheldon emphasized the word “tell”,which means when the students tell their stories,it is not reading but having a conversation with partners about their particular occasions.Then at last,the students would share the stories with the class.   From the conversation in the class between the teacher and the students,people could find that the teacher always spoke in a soft voice and helped the students to correct sentences and answered their questions carefully and promptly.She was so patient with the students that repeated the instructions and questions again and again in order to avoid misunderstanding of the students and put a lot of emphasis of the students’ feedback in order to ensure whether they understood the requirements.Every student was asked to read the 2 sentences that they wrote loudly and told their stories to the class,which meant that each had the opportunities to practice their listening and speaking.
  Analysis of the ESL class
  In this class,to achieve the purpose of talking about a special occasion of the past,Ms.Sheldon asked every student to brainstorm words and phrases,talk with partners,write down sentences and finally tell and share a story of a special occasion with the class to practice the use of the past continuous tense and the simple past tense as well as the English skills such as listening,speaking,reading and writing.In this way,every student has the opportunity to practice and improve their second language -- English.Also in the class,guided learning and questioning strategies were implemented.Ms.Sheldon always repeated the instructions or questions and paid much attention on the feedback of the students by asking them whether they understand the questions or requirements and guided them to answer her questions,which aroused students’ noticing of language learning.Also she guided them by saying,“who was there? When was it? What happened? Was it private? At a party?” etc.However large numbers of repeated sentences seem like not very proper to teach adults.
  In addition,in this ESL class,the teacher stressed on the cooperation and mutual support among the students,which created a good language environment for SL learners to learn,practice and develop their second language learning.Besides,elements of language such as words,sentence structure,grammar,oral expression and essay writing were taught from step by step.All of them were taught in a way from an easy level to a difficult level.As far as we are known,an essay is comprised of sentences while sentences are composed of words.The information of the essay should be delivered by oral expression like presentation or speech.Reading the sentences or the essay loudly,the information contained could be meaningful and understood by others.Thus the function of language—transferring meaning will be realized.   1.Input
  Input refers to language that is available to the learner through any medium (listening,reading,or gestural in the case of sign language).All theories of SL learning recognize the significant of input as a basic component in acquisition process (Gass,Susan
【摘要】本论文阐述学习动机的相关内容,包括学习动机的概念,动机的功能,学习动机的分类,影响学习动机的因素和激发学习动机应遵循的原则。本人结合明德学院非英语专业学生口语过程中存在的几大典型问题分析,找出影响大学生口语动机的内外部因素。提出对大学英语口语产生积极影响的几种具体教学策略。它包括课内策略,课堂提问策略,角色扮演策略,情感学习策略和语言输入策略。  【关键词】口语;策略;动机;非英语专业  
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对线期:极大削弱游走,更加重视对线技巧  来自专业电竞数据网站Dotabuff在6.86版本5000分以上天梯局和职业比赛的统计图,左边是中路出现频率最高的英雄表,右边则是劣势路出现频率最高的英雄表。先来看看中路,卡尔和黑鸟出现在前五并不意外,可是土猫和赏金?这两位出现在图中的原因是因为6.86的高端局游走中路的现象太过普遍,而赏金和土猫毫无疑问是游走之王。再来看看劣势路的影响表,从2到5:末日、
【背景】  今年我来到石河子市23中支教,这里的学生长期生活在南山,接触外界的机会少的可怜。而且大多数家长因忙于生计,无暇顾及孩子,孩子长期处于散养状态,学习态度散漫。我接手八年级英语,这个班的英语老师更换的比较频繁,就在短短一年中换过好几个,原本底子薄弱的学生在英语方面学得更加吃力,和他们的接触中,发现他们在英语方面的兴趣着实少得可怜,上课互动的学生只有几个,一半的学生上课睡觉是常事,还有一些学
【摘要】思维导图是产生于素质教育背景下的一种新型教学方法,如今在教育领域中逐渐得到广泛运用。将思维导图运用到小学英语教学中,不仅可以激发学生的思维和兴趣,还能降低学生的学习难度、深化学生对英语知识的理解和记忆。本文在此基础上,就如何在小学英语教学中有效应用思维导图进行探究,希望能为广大小学英语教师的教学提供理论参考。  【关键词】思维导图;小学;英语教学;应用策略  【作者简介】张敏,江苏省扬州市
【摘要】英语作为小学教育教学组成部分,对学生英语基础、表达能力、交流能力的提高具有重要作用。但现阶段,学生普遍对英语学习缺少兴趣,课堂参与积极性不高,影响了教学效率的提高。经过实践证明,应用游戏教学法在英语教学中,有助于学生学习兴趣激发、积极性调动,效果显著。  【关键词】游戏教学法;小学;英语教学;应用方法  【作者简介】连金霞,永宁县蓝山学校。  游戏是每个孩子都喜欢的事情,因为在游戏中学生们
【摘要】培养学生的学习兴趣和专业能力是中专学校主要的教学目标之一,对于培养中专学生良好的学习素养具有非常重要的作用。如今,开展多种多样有效的学习英语教学活动是一类可行性很强的教学措施,对培养学生的学习兴趣和专业成长具有非常明显的作用,据此,本文以中专英语教学为例,分析活动教学法的具体作用。  【关键词】活动教学法;中专英语教学;作用  【作者简介】高闫钢,江苏模特艺术学校。  笔者分析,中专学校英