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建国40年来,铜山县已初步形成了防洪保安、除涝降渍、引水灌溉三大工程体系,为农业生产的发展奠定了基础。但是,还存在着水源不足、工程老化、效益不高等问题。针对这一状况,现对全县水利事业的发展提出几点看法。一、坚持开源和节流并举的治水方针,综合开发水资源,发展节水型农业工程我县平水年可供水量为10.73亿立方米,丰水年为11.46亿立方米,枯水年为7.33亿立方米,而需水量平水年为15亿立方米,丰水年为14.42亿立方米,枯水年为16.92亿立方米。供需之间,在丰水年尚缺水约3.5亿立方米,枯水年缺水约10亿立方米。由此可见,水源不足是制约我县农业生产发展的主要矛盾。我们认为,解决这个矛盾的主要决策是开源节流。在开源方面,一是拦截地面径流,扩大调蓄能力,提高微山湖和县内小水库的兴利水位。二是实施南水北凋工程,引进长江水。三是合理开采地下水资源,加强对水资源的管理,做到计划开采,节约用水,防止污染。四是 Over the past 40 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Tongshan County has basically formed three systems of flood control and security, waterlogging and waterlogging, and irrigation diversion, laying the foundation for the development of agricultural production. However, there are still some problems such as insufficient water resources, aging of the project and low efficiency. In response to this situation, the county is now on the development of water conservancy made a few observations. I. Adhere to the principle of water control with both open source and expenditure control, and comprehensively develop water resources and develop water-saving agricultural projects. The water supply capacity of the county in the plain water year was 1.073 billion cubic meters, that of the abundant water year was 1.146 billion cubic meters and that of the dry years was 7.33 Billion cubic meters, while the demand for water was 1.5 billion cubic meters of water, abundant water was 1.442 billion cubic meters, dry years of 1.692 billion cubic meters. Between supply and demand, there are still about 350 million cubic meters of water shortage in dry years and about 1 billion cubic meters of water shortage in dry years. Thus, lack of water is the main contradiction that restricts the development of agricultural production in our county. In our opinion, the main decision to solve this contradiction is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. In terms of open source, first, intercepting ground runoff, expanding regulation and storage capacity, and improving the water level of Weishan Lake and the small reservoirs in the county. Second, the implementation of the South Water North withered project, the introduction of the Yangtze River water. Third, the rational exploitation of groundwater resources, strengthen water resources management, planning and exploitation, water conservation, prevent pollution. Four is
由湖南日报社高级记者李光华撰写的《记者学》一书已由湖南人民出版社出版。省委副书记文选德为该书作序。 该书作者李光华将新闻工作实践加以理论上的高度概括,研究提出
摘 要:学生管理是学校管理的重要内容,是维护学校正常教育教学秩序,保证学生健康成长的基础性工作。五年制学生是一个特殊的群体,因而在教育管理上有其自身的特点,分析和研究该阶段学生心理发展特点和个性特征,采取针对性的管理措施和方法是非常有必要的。笔者根据个人的工作体会提出了一些粗浅的见解,意在引起大家对五年制学生教育和管理的关注。  关键词:高职;学生管理;五年制  五年制学生是在自我管理、学习态度等
日前,北京电视台正在引进国际上最先进的数字化设备,并准备修建数字化播出基础设施。 据了解,北京电视台每年将投入1.5亿元用于数字化改造,而且他们已逐渐摆脱传统的模拟制
据我观察,一些高校校报常常全篇登载学校或上级领导在一些会议上的讲话稿,篇幅冗长还要占据要闻版版面,弊端甚多。 多此一举的重复。既然是发言稿,必是在会议上宣讲过的内容