抓大放小滚雪球 闯出国有小型商业企业改革之路

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近三年来,我们南京市鼓楼区服务公司坚持以改革为动力,换脑子、壮胆子、探路子,统筹规划、分步实施、先易后难、逐步推进,使劳务性行业逐步恢复了生机,呈现出服务初具规模,效益年年上升的好势头,闯出了一条国有小型企业改革之路。 浴室、洗染、照相、理发是我公司劳务行业四大支柱,共有实际经营网点24个。长期以来受到计划经济的深刻影响,等、靠、要严重束缚了企业的发展和经营积极性,绝大部分企业困难重重,勉强生存。步入市场经济后新型的经营方式、经营领域、经营手段、经营格局未能拓开,观念未能转变,“吃不饱、饿不死、长不大”的企业占较大比例。面对这些实际状况,我们狠抓了企业负责人的思想转变, In the past three years, our service company in Gulou District of Nanjing has persisted in using reform as a driving force, changing mind, courage, exploration of paths, making overall plans and implementing step by step. After the first difficulty and the gradual advancement, the service industries gradually recovered their vitality, Showing the good momentum of service taking shape and increasing efficiency year after year, thus breaking the road of reform of state-owned small enterprises. Bathroom, dyeing, photography, barber is the four pillars of our labor service industry, a total of 24 actual business outlets. For a long time, it has been profoundly affected by the planned economy, and so on. It is necessary to severely restrict the development and management enthusiasm of enterprises. Most enterprises are struggling to survive. Into a market economy after the new mode of operation, business areas, management tools, business patterns failed to expand, the concept failed to change, “eat, hungry, not grow up,” a larger proportion of enterprises. In the face of these actual conditions, we pay close attention to the change of mindset of business leaders,
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采用一套微型反应器装置 ,在 6 5 0~ 80 0℃ ,0 .1~ 0 .2 5s高温超短接触条件下进行馏分油催化裂解实验 ,研究了催化剂上焦炭沉积的规律。在实验测定结焦速率基础上 ,分析了不