Cloning and functional analysis of the promoter of allergen gene Ara h 1 from peanut

来源 :中国油料作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ypengw
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Peanut seeds are ideal bioreactors for the production of foreign recombinant proteins or secondary metabolites.Seed-specific promoters(SSPs)can direct the expression of genes specifically in seeds to avoid undesirable effects associated with constitutive expression.However,few SSPs have been identified in peanut.Previous studies have shown that some allergen-encoding genes encode seed storage proteins or exhibit seed-specific/preferential expression.In this study,we characterized allergen-encoding genes from across the genomes of Arachis species to explore seed-specific genes.We found that at least 9 out of 16 identified peanut allergen-encoding genes were expressed specifically in the seeds or were preferentially expressed.A 1493-bp promoter fragment of allergen gene Ara h 1(we named it AHSSP6)was isolated from cultivated peanut genome.cis-element analysis showed that three RY repeat elements which usually exsisted in seed or embryo specific promoter sequence were also present in AHSSP6 sequence.Histochemical analysis showed AHSSP6 could drive the expression of a p-glucuronidase(GUS)reporter gene specifically in the seeds or cotyledon tissue of transgenic Arabidopsis,while not in other tissues.These findings indicated that these promoters of allergen genes were candidate SSPs,and AHSSP6 was a novel SSP which could be potentially utilized in peanut improvement.
圆粉213是以自交系W33-3为母本,以自交系Z34-6为父本配制而成的早熟番茄一代杂种.无限生长类型,植株生长势中等,叶片深绿色,叶量中等,第6~7节着生第1花序,单花序为主,节间长度中等;果实圆形,果脐小,纵径6.5~8.3 cm,横径7.5~9.5 cm,成熟果粉红色,幼果无绿色果肩,平均单果质量202 g;果实硬度中等,可溶性固形物含量5.0%,有机酸含量0.46%,风味品质好;高抗TMV,抗CMV、叶霉病,保护地栽培每667 m2产量7400 kg左右,适宜北京、上海、重庆、黑龙江、吉林、山西、
我国设施蔬菜区域性分布明显,区域间的发展存在较大差距.中东部地区设施蔬菜在面积、效益、科技上领先西部地区,已然成为“富民产业”,而西部地区在要素禀赋、生态环境等多重约束下,设施蔬菜发展呈现滞后性.从某种意义上来说,西部农业的现代化发展是“掣肘”我国农业现代化总体发展与目标实现的“着力点”.青海省海东市乐都区作为西部特殊地区的蔬菜重点县,已于2020年退出贫困县序列,蔬菜产业的定位由原来的脱贫减贫到持续增收致富发生了“质”的转变(曹秀伟, 2021).所以,如何在现有基础上实现转型升级,实现更高质量的发展,
新科小包26是由2个自交不亲和系陕5201和J47858配制而成的中晚熟大白菜一代杂种.生育期72 d(天)左右,株高30~35 cm,开展度60~75 cm,叶球矮桩叠抱,外叶深绿色,球内叶淡黄色,球形指数0.89~1.26,净菜率70%以上,软叶率52%左右,单球净质量3 kg左右;可溶性总糖含量2.47%,粗纤维含量0.62%,田间对病毒病、霜霉病、软腐病的抗性与对照秦白2号相当,每667 m2净菜产量7000 kg左右,适宜河南、河北、山西、山东、陕西等喜欢矮桩叠抱类型大白菜的地区秋季种植.
嫁接可有效克服茄果类蔬菜黄萎病(Verticillium dahliae)、 青 枯 病(Ralstonia solanacearum)、 疫 病(Phytophthora capsici Leonian)、根结线虫等土传病害,增强植株对低温、高温、干旱、盐胁迫、水涝等非生物逆境的耐性,提高根系对水分和养分的吸收能力,增加产量,改善品质.
The properties of raw wild rice were investigated to produce a functional tea, and the value of this tea was evaluated. The highest antioxidant activity [80.5% 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity] was achieved when the raw wil
丰脆1号是由浙江宁波地方品种黑皮梢瓜经提纯改良获得的薄皮甜瓜新品种.中熟,春栽全生育期97 d(天)左右,果实发育期34 d(天)左右;秋栽全生育期75 d(天)左右,果实发育期31 d(天)左右.植株生长势强,结实能力强,春栽以孙蔓结瓜为主,秋栽子蔓和孙蔓均可结瓜.果实尖圆筒形,果皮墨绿色覆绿色浅棱沟,果肉绿色,瓤橙色,肉质酥脆,中心糖含量12.52%,单瓜质量1.1 kg左右.中抗白粉病、霜霉病,不易裂果,耐贮运,每667 m2产量2300 kg左右,适宜长江中下游地区春、秋季保护地栽培.
沧豆0734是以冀豆12为母本、中作122为父本杂交,后代经系谱选育出夏播菜用大豆新品种,该品种大田露地栽培,夏季生育期87 d,株高74.1 cm,主茎节数15.1个,单株有效分枝2.3个,单株有效荚52.4个,单株荚质量84.2 g,百粒鲜质量55.5 g,667 m2鲜荚产量680~820 kg,每500 g标准荚数190个,食用品质B级,适宜在河北省中南部地区夏季种植.2021年通过河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定.
Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)is an important oil and cash crop in the world.Peanut germplasm collected in China are abundant,which provides important material guarantee for peanut breeding and industrial development.Here,the safe conservation technology and
为探讨适宜北京地区的塑料大棚番茄农机农艺融合栽培模式,以普罗旺斯番茄为试验对象,设计不同密度机械定植和人工定植4个处理,与传统人工定植(CK)的番茄在生长指标、产量指标、品质指标等方面进行对比.结果表明,在667 m2种植1820~2670株的范围内,不同栽培模式的番茄在株高、茎粗、叶片数、叶面积等方面差异较小;但随着密度增大,单果质量呈变小趋势,果实品质呈变差趋势.其中,T3(机械定植,株距40 cm,行距40 cm)的单果质量最大(208.48 g),CK(人工定植,株距30 cm,行距60~70 c
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