The Effectiveness of Teaching Senior Middle School Students English Vocabulary Skills by Using CALL

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_shuangde
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1. Introduction

  In the introduction, vocabulary and grammar were called the building blocks of language. More precisely, vocabulary words and phrases are the building blocks and grammar is the glue that holds them together. Grammar lets you know who chased whom when you hear, “The dog chased the cat.” Your knowledge of English grammar tells you that the first animal metioned in the sentance did the action. But your knowledge of English vocabulary allows you to interpret what the dog is, what the cat is, and what they did. In fact, vocabulary is the most important aspect of language for students to learn.
  1.1 Background
  Most researchers today agree that English language learners need to spend time and effort studing vocabulary. They point out that learners need to spend time and effort studying vocabulary. They point out that learners do not have sufficient exposure to words in the English that they hear and read. Moreover, when learners encounter unfamiliar words, those words often remain unknown unless students get help from a teacher, a dictionary, or a computer.
  1.2 The Purpose of the Paper
  This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary based on CALL in senior high school so as to adapt to the trend of English teaching reform, facilitate the up-to-date concept of English teaching.Therefore, it is quite crucial to create a vivid environment. A good method is resorting CALL. It will offer different styles of listening experience to the learners in contrast to traditional one.

2. Literature Review

  In this part, some key concepts of CALL and some relevant researches of teaching English vocabualry by using CALL will be introduced, as well as relationship between CALL and SLA.
  2.1 The Definition of CALL
  Levy (1997) defined Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as “the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning” (Levy, 1997, p.1). Although the name includes “computer”, the term CALL embraces any applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to teaching and learning foreign languages. Two different terms such as CALI (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction) and CAI (Computer-Associated Instruction) was used instead of CALL before the early 1980s (Davies
【Absrtact】it is very necessary and important for middle school students to carry out moral education. At present, the ideological and moral education is far from enough, so it is necessary to pay more
【摘要】国际经贸英语结合了英语、经贸知识以及商务环境,是属于特殊用途的英语。国际经贸英语除了具有很多普通英语的特点,还具有其自身的经贸学的鲜明特点。国际经贸从业人员要想顺利的跟国外客户进行沟通,就要在洽谈以及签订合同和执行订单的时候具备一定的翻译能力。所以应该对商务语言语境以及商务情景语境还有商务文化语境下应该注意的问题了解清楚。  【关键词】问题;国际经贸英语;商务语境  【作者简介】陈睿博,对
【摘要】面对已经开设了多年的小学英语的教学现状,四年的小学英语教学并没有为初中英语教学带来多少便利,反而给初中英语教师造成了许多教学上的困惑。本文就从中学英语教学的角度,对此现象作出分析并探究其原因,以便寻找出小学英语与初中英语教学衔接的更好的办法。  【关键词】小学英语;初中英语;衔接  【作者简介】肖娟(1972.11- ),女,汉族,安徽广德人,宣城市第八中学,中学一级教师,大学本科,研究方
【摘要】本文试图从英语习语的角度,探寻英语国家对待狗的态度,发现英语国家的狗文化,并与中国习语中的狗文化稍作对比,进而探究英语国家狗文化的成因。  【关键词】习语;英语国家;狗文化  【作者简介】毛自红,河南南阳人,北京市昌平卫生学校教师,硕士研究生,副教授,长期从事中职英语教学工作。  一、习语是文化的集中体现  1.什么是习语。习语是指在一种语言的漫长演变过程中逐步形成的特有的、固定的表达方式
【摘要】词汇是英语教学的重中之重,所以课堂上教师要注词汇教学的策略。教师可以以图片,实物,动作为切入点,激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学生的多感官词汇学习。同时词汇的学习,一定要在一定的素材中进行展现。这样,词汇才有生命力,才会成为学生随手拈来的表达资源。积累素材时要靠近学生的学习、生活、情感等认知,以便学生更好地吸收。  【关键词】词汇教学;新路径;素材积累  【作者简介】蔡丹丹,江苏省启东市百杏中学
【摘要】英语刊物是英語学习中的重要工具之一,阅读作为提升英语写作能力的重要途径,进一步优化英语刊物的利用对提升学生英语素养具有一定的积极意义。从内容上看,英语刊物的多样性、趣味性更能激发学生的学习兴趣,提升学生学习效率,拓宽英语阅读知识面。  【关键词】英语刊物;高中;写作  【作者简介】韩敏,江苏省沭阳如东中学。  英语学习包括听、说、读、写四大板块,英语作为一项语言,学生不仅仅需要识记一定量的
【摘要】本文通过对2013年大学英语四级考试改革后段落翻译新题型的分析,指出段落翻译的主要考点,并针对汉英两种语言的不同特点,重点提出了针对长句、复杂句的分译和针对短句的合译两种技巧,旨在为大学英语四考试段落翻译的训练及备考提供一些参考。  【关键词】大学英语四级;段落翻译;分译;合译  【作者简介】刘增娟,云南工商学院。一、前言  2013年8月,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会在其官网上发布了一
【摘要】在进行对外汉语教学过程中,使用情景教学方法可以使学生身临其境,可以更好的让他们学习汉语。文章以情景教学法在对外汉语教学使用为分析对象,首先对情景教学法进行了介绍,接着分析了情景教学法在对外汉语教学中的作用,最后论述的情景教学法在对外汉语教学中的使用方法,以便可以更好的将情景教学法运用于对外汉语教学之中,推动对外汉语教学上一个新台阶。  【关键词】对外汉语;情景教学;教师;学生  【作者简介